Reduction in Tendon Renewal Rate in Older Horses

Newsdate: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 - 11:44 am
Location: LONDON, England

A research project funded by The Horse Trust has discovered that proteins in a commonly-injured tendon are renewed less frequently in older horses, which is likely to lead to an increased risk of tendon injury. The research was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Tendon injury is one of the most common causes of wastage in the performance horse. For example, a 12 year epidemiological study found that tendon injury was the most common reason for retirement in racing Thoroughbreds in Hong Kong.

Tendons, which are composed of collagen and other proteins, connect muscle to bone and are therefore vital for movement. Tendons are continually being renewed to avoid the build-up of degraded proteins and other mechanically induced micro-damage that could lead to injuries.

Some tendons are much more prone to injury than others. The majority of tendon injuries (97–99%) occur to the forelimb tendons (2, 3), with the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), which is located at the back of the horse's leg, being injured in 75–93% of cases.

The Horse Trust-funded research, which is being led by Dr Helen Birch at University College London, has found that SDF tendons renew themselves less frequently in older horses - the tissue half-life is more than double in a 15-year-old horse than in a 5-year-old horse.

As the SDFT renewal rate drops in older horses, this is likely to reduce the integrity of their tendons and could lead to an increased rate of SDFT injury, relative to younger horses.

"Most horse owners are well aware of the risk of tendon injury, yet little is known about tendon health management. Our research shows that tendon renewal rate reduces as the horse ages. We are now working towards understanding why this is as it may help us reduce the chances of tendon injury," said Dr Birch.

In an earlier stage of The Horse Trust-funded research, Birch's team found that the SDFT is renewed much less frequently than the common digital extensor tendon (CDET), which is located at the front of the horse's leg. This finding was unexpected as they had hypothesised that high-strain tendons, such as SDFT, would need to be renewed more frequently than low-strain tendons, such as CDET.

When the researchers measured protein age in the different tendons they found that SDFT collagen had a half-life of 198 years, compared to 34 years for CDET collagen. This means that every year, only 0.25% of the collagen gets replaced in the injury-prone SDFT tissue.

Birch hypothesises that too much renewal would compromise the strength and stiffness of the SDFT, so the horse's body tries to preserve their structural integrity at the expense of increased injury risk later in life.

Paul Jepson, Chief Executive and Veterinary Director of The Horse Trust, said he is pleased that the research funded by the charity is advancing knowledge around tendon injury.

"We are delighted that the research we have funded has improved understanding around tendon injury and could lead to improved prevention and treatment in the future. Tendon injury seriously impacts on a horse’s quality of life and because of its incurable nature causes a significant reduction in life expectancy," said Paul.

In the final stage of The Horse Trust-funded research, Birch will be looking at whether tendon cells can be re-programmed using mechanical signals to behave more like  cells from tendons which turnover more rapidly. Success rates for cell therapy, which is a popular treatment for SDFT injury, could benefit from pre-conditioning cells prior to implantation.

Dr Birch's research interests are in tendon biology and the mechanisms leading to tendon degeneration and subsequent rupture. For more information on Birch's research interests visit:

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
