Research: Effect of Pen Size on Stress Responses of Stall-Housed Horses Receiving One Hour of Daily Turnout

Horse barn with large adjacent paddocks.
Horse barn with large adjacent paddocks. Artazum

Newsdate: Friday, June 4, 2021 - 11:35 am
Location: GUELPH, Ontario

Group turnout provides important socializing opportunities for horses, particularly those that are primarily stalled. A high percentage of equine injuries occur during group turnout, which could partly be due to the physical constraints of fencing.

Two horses in conflict because of close proximity.

Two horses in conflict because of close proximity

Providing at least 342 m2 ( 3681 square feet) per horse may reduce the chance of injury in horses accustomed to group turnout.
© 2017 by Barbara Sheridan Photography-Equine Guelph New window.

To investigate appropriate paddock sizes for group turnouts, 12 horses from a single herd were divided into groups of 4, stalled for 24 hours, and then turned out for 1 hour into one of three differently sized pens: 342 m 2 (3,681 square feet), 263 m2 (2,830 square feet), and 184 m2 (1,981 sq ft) per horse.

Groups rotated through pens across 3 days, receiving one treatment per day. Blood was sampled for cortisol concentrations at 08:00 hours each morning, and then at 15 and 60 minutes into the turn out sessions, and 60 minutes after return to individual stalls.

Groups rotated through three turnout times: 09:00, 12:00, 14:00 hours.

Counts of agonistic behaviors (chasing, contact biting, and kicking) and low-level threats (pinned ears, tail swishing, bite and kick threats) were recorded.

When turned out in pens that provided 342 m2 (3,681.3 square feet) per horse, horses exhibited reduced plasma cortisol concentrations by 15 minutes after turnout and at 1 hour after return to their stalls (P < .05).

Horses in pens providing 184 m2 ( per horse exhibited greater agonistic (P < .001) and low-level threat (P < .01) behaviors than horses in larger pens.

These data provide insight into appropriate pen sizes for horses from established herds. Providing at least 342 m2 per horse may reduce the chance of injury in horses accustomed to group turnout.


  • Turnout in a pen providing 342 m2 (3,681 square feet) per horse reduced plasma cortisol after 15 minutes.
  • Pens providing either 263 m2 (2,830 square feet) or 184 m2 (1,981 sq ft) per horse had no effect on plasma cortisol.
  • Turnout in a pen providing 342 m2 (3,681 square feet) per horse reduced agonistic behaviors.

In other words, a larger pen results in a reduction of plasma cortisol which may be partially responsible for a reduction in agonistic behaviors such as kicking, biting, and chasing and low level threats such as tail swishing and pinned ears in horses.

Press release by Equine Guelph - Jessica K.Suagee-Bedore1 Daniel R.Linden Karen Bennett-Wimbush - Journal of Equine Veterinary Science

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