What Horse Owners Should Know About Use of Haylage

Newsdate: Mon 30 September 2013 – 6:58 am
Location: OBTARIO, Canada

According to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, horse owners and veterinarians are commonly requesting information regarding the use of haylage (hay-crop silage) and/or treated hay as low-dust feed alternatives for horses.

Haylage and the effects of botulism on horses

Haylage and the effects of botulism on horses

Haylage is not recommended for horses due to the danger of botulism since dust in hay is formed when the hay is insufficiently dried, leading to heating and spoilage and allowing the growth of the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum.

Haylage is one of the alternative methods of preserving hay when weather conditions prevent the drying of hay below 14% moisture content. Unfortunately, haylage is not recommended when feeding horses due to the danger of botulism. The dust in hay is formed when the hay is insufficiently dried, resulting in heating and spoilage and allowing the growth of molds and this poses a problem with haylage.

Haylage or grass silage is the process where young respiring plants are cut, partially wilted and placed in a silo or container such as a plastic bag where exposure to air is eliminated. The hay is baled at about 45-50% moisture and immediately wrapped with plastic, or placed in a bag, which reduces the presence of oxygen.

The plants use the remaining oxygen in the bag, fermentation lowers the pH and the forage goes into a suspended state when the pH=5. Should the bag become punctured, then secondary fermentation will occur and the haylage will become spoiled in those areas where oxygen is present.

Large round bales, e.g., 4 by 5 feet in size, present a greater risk of botulism. The big bale often has insufficient water-soluble carbohydrates for adequate lactic acid fermentation to achieve a stable pH (1). A higher dry matter content can also lead to a higher pH. Clostridial multiplication is inhibited below pH 4.5. The smaller commercially bagged bales (50 lbs.) are probably less prone to botulism due to better quality control over fermentation and a faster drop in pH.

Horses are the most sensitive of the domesticated animals to botulism. Botulism is a disease that occurs when toxins produced by the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum, enter the horse's body causing weakness which may progress to paralysis. The botulism bacterium is a spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria (grows in the absence of oxygen) which is found world wide.

It is commonly present in soil and in decaying animal carcasses. It occurs less often in decaying plant material. Hay, and especially haylage, can be contaminated with the botulism bacterium during the raking and baling process. The higher moisture levels (in comparison to dry hay), the anaerobic conditions and a pH above 4.5 in some haylage are ideal conditions for the growth of this bacterium.

When the bacterium grows, it produces one or more toxins. These toxins block the connection between the nerves and muscles. As a result, affected horses often exhibit signs varying from muscle weakness to paralysis (1).

Affected horses:

  • Usually have muscle tremors.
  • May be so weak that they cannot stand up.
  • Lose control of their tongue so it may hang from their mouth.
  • Can't eat and they drool because they can't swallow.
  • May walk stiffly with a short stride or they may be weak and stumble. Their tail may lose its tone.

Eventually they die because their respiratory muscles become paralysed or because they get other health problems from being down. These clinical signs can occur within several hours or up to 7-10 days post ingestion of the contaminated feed.

Horses can get botulism in any of three ways. In foals up to 8 months of age, botulism can occur if the bacterium grows in the foal's intestines (1). Foals that are growing well and are being fed grain are most likely to get into trouble. These foals are called "shaker foals" because the muscle weakness from the toxin makes them tremble.

Occasionally a wound can become infected with the bacterium and cause botulism in adults. Fortunately, this is rare. Far more commonly, botulism occurs when horses eat feed or water which contains preformed toxin.

Clostridia grow on substrates (food sources) which are above a pH of 4.5 and are in an anaerobic (non oxygen) environment. Here they produce toxins. Improperly preserved haylage can be an ideal environment for clostridial growth. Water and feed can also be contaminated with the carcass of a dead animal. When several horses develop botulism, toxin in feed or water is usually the reason.

Several incidents of botulism occur each year after horses eat wrapped or bagged round bale haylage. In some of these outbreaks, the haylage looked and smelled spoiled. In others, the bales didn't look as if they were spoiled but horses eating them developed botulism.


An inactivated toxoid is used to vaccinate against botulism. A toxoid is a toxin which has been treated to destroy its toxicity but retains its ability to generate an immune response when injected into an animal. Neogen Biologics, Michigan, USA, manufactures Bot Tox-B (1). It is available in Canada from some suppliers. It protects against Type B only. A three-initial-dose vaccination program is recommended followed by a single annual vaccination.

Risk factors related to use of haylage:

  • The raking of hay and thus incorporating earth in the hay,
  • Ensiling of drier haylage (probably less than 30% moisture),
  • The use of chicken/turkey manure on the land and
  • Delays in wrapping or bagging of the plant material.

Recommendations to Horse Owners:

Hay silage is a great feed when preserved properly but carries the danger of botulism.

  • Don't feed silage to horses unless the horses have been vaccinated.
  • When raking hay, lift the tines of the rake up so they don't pull earth into the hay.
  • Don't apply poultry manure to hay fields intended for hay production.
  • Watch out for the accidental incorporation of animal carcasses into the bales. (This is difficult when it comes to mice.)
  • Ensure that the hay is baled in the 35-50% moisture level or use acid preservatives on the hay when baling. The acid and higher moisture levels are used to ensure that the pH drops below 4.5 rapidly (within 2 - 3 days of bagging).

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
