When Your Horse Has the Flu - Stall Rest or Exercise?

Newsdate: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 - 01:46 pm

With winter weather, the holidays and horse shows and competitions taking place, chances are that many horses will be exposed to flu viruses which are highly contagious in horses. Horses are infected by two distinct strains of influenza A. Much like humans, symptoms in horses include inflammation of the nasal passages and throat, fever, coughing, wheezing, lack of appetite and depression.

Horse with flu symptoms

Horse with flu symptoms

Because equine flu is caused by a virus, there is little that can be done to cure it, other than treat the symptoms and increase the comfort level of the horse.

Because it is a virus, there is little that can be done to cure it, other than treat the symptoms and increase the comfort level of its victim. 

However, when your horse also happens to be a competition animal and an excellent athlete, it’s also difficult to wait for a flu to run its course. Influenza virus infections are common among young horses in training and outbreaks of the virus occur at least annually in most horse populations.

In a study conducted at The Ohio State University, under guidelines of the OSU animal care and use committee, to determine the effects of exercise on horses infected with influenza, as compared with infected horses given stall rest, it was concluded that while the exercised horses did not have the virus any longer than those given stall rest, the symptoms were definitely exacerbated by exercise.

In the study, all the horses exhibited signs of the virus with 36 hours of infection, including fever, coughing, nasal discharge, lack of appetite and depression. Those symptoms persisted for 13 days following infection and were more severe in the exercising horses.

Fever also developed in all horses and was persistent for 11 days following infection. Pneumonia eventually developed in all horses with the viral infections being more dramatic in the exercised horses.

While all horses experienced weight loss within four days of infection, exercised horses lost 40 more pounds than those having stall rest and continued to have lower weights for a month. 

Exercised horses also appeared to fatigue and have a delayed recovery from exercise. Obviously, the exercised horses tended to exhibit more severe clinical signs of respiratory disease from the first day of infection until about the ninth day following infection.

Clinical signs were resolved in both the exercised horses and those receiving stall rest by the 14th day following infection. While horses infected with influenza were able to exercise without developing incapacitating disease, and it appears that the exercise did not prolong the affects of the virus, it is important to note that the study did not mimic the adverse conditions which might be encountered in training environments.

Horse owners should keep in mind that in keeping top athletes fit, it is best not to exercise their horses, and if at all, mild to moderate exercise at the maximum, i.e. walking or trotting on a line. Clearly, the effects of the disease will not dissipate any sooner than it normally takes for the virus to run its course.

If your horse contracts influenza, you should be cautious about exercising your horse at all, and stay aware of the signs of distress your horse might exhibit while exercising. Contact your veterinarian regarding methods you can use to prevent influenza in your traveling animal and what you can do to ease him though a couple of weeks of discomfort and misery.

Read more about Equine Influenza

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
