Usually, the herpies virus enters the respiratory system, produces inflammation and decreases the mechanisms of defense of the horse's respiratory tract.
Support a healthy and successful foaling season with these tips from Arenus Animal Health.
Horses are individuals and may need additional nutrients and care, but covering the basics will optimize your horse's foundation for a lifetime of vibrant health.
A greater understanding of forage, the largest component of the equine diet, really improves the bottom line of those feed bills, when one is only adding what is needed to balance the diet.
One significant insight from the study highlighted by Howard is that many horse owners blame themselves for their horse's arthritis or believe it to be a natural occurrence beyond treatment.
Horses are transported more than any other livestock species in the United States, and they also are co-mingled at various events, which can lead to an increased risk for disease transmission.
The horses' heart is responsible for delivering oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body and removing metabolic waste, and any disruption can have detrimental effects.
The governing bodies regulating horse shows and large equine events, along with the veterinarians involved, need to have an action plan in place before potential biosecurity events occur.
Prevention is in the textbooks we read, and equine vet conferences always have a good panel of speakers on biosecurity, so,we as veterinarians advocate for prevention with our clients.
No silver bullet exists for managing mud on horse farms, no product or practice eliminates mud, but careful management can minimize the severity of the issue.