Colic is prevalent in horses given digestive tracts measuring 85 feet in length, paired with the fact that they are unable to throw up.
Many veterinarians are finding the use of lecithin, along with apple pectin, to be very intriguing in its apparent health benefits in preventing and treating gastric lesions in horses.
It is possible that white line disease begins when an invasive fungus enters the area through the horse's sole and It's also possible that bacteria enters as a result of hoof wall injury.
A quick evaluation of your horse can be done in less than 10 minutes, so by checking him daily, you will know what is normal and what is not.
By the time a horse presents with severe equine asthma also known as 'heaves' the disease close to the end stage.
Fecal liquid in horses - The underlying problem is inflammation within the hindgut.
According to the AAEP, West Nile virus (WNV) is the leading cause of arbovirus encephalitis in horses and humans in the United States
A thorough oral examination performed by a veterinarian allows dental problems to be identified in the early stages, decreasing the possibility of severe progressive dental conditions.
Warmblood fragile foal syndrome is an inherited defect of connective tissue characterized by hyperextensible, abnormally thin, fragile skin and mucous membranes subject to open lesions.
The objective of the study is to determine blood levels of EG damage markers in critically ill foals, before and after fluid resuscitation to determine if this practice worsens the integrity of blood vessels.