By the time a horse begins to loose weight, drop feed, or show other signs of dental problems, any issues with the horse's mouth are quite advanced.
Making sure your senior horse is comfortable for winter with additional body fat to serve as insulation and energy reserves when temperatures become frigid is important for good health.
Without vaccination, infections including equine influenza is possible across distances and in everyday care.
Pumpkin pulp is very low calorie as most of it is water and protein and fat are also low while the fiber portion is very prebiotic as it is high in soluble fiber.
While we'll never have that innate connection to the essence of nature that horses do, we are still part of nature and can work to increase our connectivity to the natural patterns of the world.
Cold-induced hoof pain is a temporary but a significant issue for your horse and, fortunately, it can usually be successfully managed.
Supplementation to improve or support immune function can stimulate or help regulate the horse's immune reactions.
A post-soak steam is the healthiest routine for horses on low non-structural carbohydrate diets.
Challenges with stiff joints, laminitis and hoof issues are more common as horses age and tasks that used to be easy, like when the farrier asked them to hold up their legs for a hoof inspection, their geriatric legs now say otherwise.
A genetic mutation in horses has been identified that should help identify horses that are at risk for squamous cell carcinoma of the eye and enable horse owners to make informed breeding decisions.