Severely affected foals have breakdown of their muscles "tying up," leading to progressive weakness, organ damage, and sometimes death.
Spring grass season makes attention turn to equine metabolic disorders but there is a wealth of misinformation out there and a clear lack of supporting research.
Large cartilage defects are a challenge to treat, but so-called cartilage chips have shown significant clinical promise in human medicine and have potential in treatment of horses.
Planning on turning your horse out to grass during this current situation or at any other time? It’s worth installing a strip grazing fence and moving it once a day.
The International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology is hosting a webinar this Thursday, May 14 at noon ET to discuss orthobiologic medicine covering therapeutic applications in equine sports medicine.
Vitamin D is involved in regulation of calcium and phosphorus, bone health, controls the immune system, and reduces inflammation in horses and humans.
Research study seeks to quantify how CBD affects inflammation, stress and stereotypical negative behaviors in horses.
It is hoped that these updated guidelines will be a useful in preventing or mitigating the effects of infectious diseases in equines.
Much can be done to minimize the population of internal and external horse parasites and the effects they have on horse health, comfort and well being.
The natural pattern of a new disease is a high rate of infection because horses (in this case) have no disease resistance, since the immune system does not recognize the new bug.