How CBD can impact your health as well as the health of your horses, dogs, and cats.
Being overweight does not mean your horse has a metabolic issue.
Once overall horse health is achieved, specific things like weak hoof integrity disappear.
Of the 22 amino acids, your horse's body only makes 12 while the remaining 10, which are considered essential, must be in the horse's diet.
Make sure you know the best plan of action to help minimize your horse's risk in times of medical first aid emergency.
When a horse's muscular and nervous systems stop functioning properly because of heat, heat stroke is inevitable unless measures to cool the horse down and replace lost fluids are taken.
Extreme, unexpected and extended weather changes have a significant effect on a horse's physical and emotional health.
Soft tissue damage associated with the bit is a common concern in the equine world, but no prior studies have been carried out among trotters in Finland.
A new high-risk group has emerged in the past five years in which the primary method of equine infectious anemia spread is iatrogenic transmission.
USDA confirms that Vesicular Stomatitis Virus has been diagnosed in horses in 6 states: Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming, as of mid-August, 2019.