Citing violations of the U.S. Constitution and federal laws, wild horse protection and animal welfare advocates have filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court.
Wild horse and animal welfare groups weigh legal action to stop invasive and dangerous surgeries on wild horses.
With broad bipartisan support, the bill aims to protect our nation's equines from the cruel and predatory horse slaughter industry.
Colorado State University's withdrawal from wild horse sterilization experiments strikes blow to BLM plan to remove the ovaries of wild mares.
Photographs document BLM helicopters nearly hitting wild horses and causing the terrified horses to crash into and over barbed wire fencing.
100 mares would be forced to undergo ovariectomies through a colpotmy - an invasive and risky surgery whereby the mare's ovaries are pulled out while the animal remains conscious.
A BLM policy revision will allow an increase in the number of wild horses and burros sold to individuals and organizations from four to 25.
Congress prohibits the sale of wild horses to anyone who will sell them for slaughter, but the fate of 'sale authority' horses is already difficult to track, and the new rule will make it even harder.
The American Wild Horse Campaign commends the U.S. Congress for maintaining protections from slaughter for America's horses in the final Omnibus spending bill for 2018.
Wild horse advocates challenge the BLM's decision to eradicate federally-protected wild horses from the Caliente Complex while continuing to authorize cattle to graze the area.