
Horse Products

  • Effects of Lasix Use in Race Horses - Pros and Cons

    Bleeds, or exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhages (EIPH), affect the majority of horses during intense exercise, and Lasix or furosemide is often used to reduce or prevent bleeds in race horses. Over the years, a number of studies have been done to determ

    Flossie Sellers - March 11, 2013 09:10

  • EPA Approves GonaCon Contraceptive Use In Wild Horses

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services' (WS) National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) has announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted regulatory approval for the use of GonaConTM - Equine immunocontrac

    Flossie Sellers - February 21, 2013 10:41

  • NexHA™ Receives Canadian Regulatory Approval

    NexHA™, a low molecular weight hyaluronate sodium product for horses, has received approval from Health Canada’s Veterinary Drugs Directorate, and Bioniche expects to launch the product in the next several months.

    Flossie Sellers - November 18, 2011 12:36

  • Nouvelle Releases New EQ IR Formula for Horses

    Nouvelle Veterinary, Inc. the makers of Cur-OST® for horses and companion animals is proud to announce the release of our new Cur-OST® EQ IR formula for use in horses with insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome.

    Flossie Sellers - February 7, 2012 14:18

  • Equine Influenza Vaccine Has Pfizer Label

    FLUVAC INNOVATOR® 4, a member of the FLUVAC INNOVATOR brand of equine vaccines, is moving to the Pfizer Animal Health label after the acquisition of Wyeth and Fort Dodge Animal Health in 2009. The vaccine is now manufactured by Pfizer Animal Health and f

    Flossie Sellers - February 8, 2012 15:27

  • Expiration Dates on Horse Medications Are Important

    Horse owners should be aware that both state and federal laws apply to prescribed medications used in horses. According to state and federal laws, expired medications cannot be used or donated. Once a drug is outdated, it is considered adulterated and mus

    Flossie Sellers - May 9, 2012 09:52

  • Extended Release Gastric Support for Horses

    Vita Flex has released a new product for performance horses that is the only extended release gastric support product available that neutralizes stomach acid, balances stomach pH and also provides lost electrolytes.

    Flossie Sellers - February 7, 2012 14:38

  • Pergolide Banned in British Horse Competitions

    Horses that are on the drug pergolide to manage equine Cushing’s disease are now banned from competing in all disciplines that are subject to British anti-doping rules in competitions.

    Flossie Sellers - April 30, 2012 11:09

  • Fall is the Time to Take Care of Tapeworms

    In his Expert Column - Hoyt Cheramie, DVM, MS, a member of the Merial Veterinary Service team, addresses a question many horse owners are asking: Question: With the temperatures getting colder, do I still need to worry about tapeworms?

    Flossie Sellers - November 7, 2011 11:28

  • Pfizer Guarantees Important Equine Vaccines

    The Pfizer Animal Health Equine Immunization Support Guarantee (ISG) in essence, means that if a horse which has been properly vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian with one of Pfizer's qualified vaccines contracts [no-glossary]covering the disease f

    Flossie Sellers - April 20, 2012 08:39
