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Don't Let Barn Blindness Influence the Breeding of Your Horse

Many horse owners begin thinking about breeding their mares in between February and early spring to produce a foal eleven months later.

Nation's Largest Wild Horse Protection Urges No Vote on NM Legislation Authorizing Livestock Board to Remove Wild Horses from the Range

AWHC is concerned about the fate of horses removed from the range, since no wild horse preserves exist, and homes for wild, untamed horses are limited.

11 Tips for Effective Biosecurity at Horse Shows and Camps

Several factors increase the risk of horses on the road including stress to the animal, sharing of tack, and the unintended introduction of horses carrying disease.

Top 5 Reasons Not To Buy a Horse at Auction

Before purchasing a horse, especially a first horse,  the would-be owner needs to understand the tremendous responsibility that comes with horse ownership. Certainly, the day-to-day care of a horse takes time, money and commitment, and is not to be taken

Advice for Would-be Horse Rescuers

In addressing the raging brush fires in Australia, the Australian horse welfare organization is addressing the plight of horses that need rescuing, not only as a result of the fires, but on a day-to-day basis. They have some very good advice for those who

Six Tips To Prevent Horses from Spooking this Halloween

For well-trained horses that are used to people, crowds, and excitement, all may be well, but for other horses, Halloween is a spooky time that may cause the horse to also spook.

Equine Guelph Horse Behaviour & Safety - Youth Course (ages 13-17) Available "On-Demand"

Learn horse language! Being fluent in horse talk is huge for staying safe - Take the online youth course 'Horse Behaviour and Safety'

Does Your Horse Blanket Cause Your Horse to Overheat?

Humans often make decisions about blanketing their horses based on whether they feel cold themselves, so they may well be using a blanket on their horse when it really is not necessary.

How to Handle Your Horse When the Veterinarian Visits

Being well prepared for a veterinarian's visit ensures that necessary procedures for your horse will be effectively completed and will help you and your horse establish a good relationship with the veterinarian.

Emergency Preparedness - Transporting Your Equine

Some horses fear trailers. Read the do's and don'ts of trailering and how practice in trailering your horse pays off in an emergency.
