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What Horse Owners Can Do When They Can No Longer Care for Their Horse

Recent estimates put owning a horse at around $10,000 a year. This includes basic care costs associated with vaccinations, deworming, hoof care, nutrition and shelter.

Winterize Your Horse - The Pros and Cons of Blanketing

Horses are physically designed for cold weather since a horse's coat does well, even in sub-zero temperatures by nsulating the horse from most weather conditions.

Southern California Horses in Dire Need

Rumors of horse kill buyers lurking in the shadows of horse auctions and opportunists looking to snare a horse or two to be used in hog tying and tail twisting contests are causing owners who can no longer take care of their horses to second guess about h

Confirmed New Cases of Strangles in Florida and Vesicular Stomatitis in Wyoming Announced

”With reports of newly confirmed infectious horse diseases such as strangles and vesicular stomatitis, horse owners are encouraged to determine the acceptable level of disease risk they are willing to assume for their horse and implement biosecurity mea

5 Springtime Safety Tips for Children Visiting Horses

With warmer weather and school breaks, more visitors are spending weekends and vacations in horse country, whether at a dude ranch, or Uncle Ben's farm. Many of the visitors are children who have had little experience around horses, and, in fact, many

100 Day Horse Challenge Offers VIP Tickets to 2015 Kentucky Derby

The goal of the 100 Day Horse Challenge is to increase awareness of the benefits of horse activities across the United States by aiming to engage at least 100,000 new people with an introductory horse experience.

Horse Owners: Don't Let the Spooks Get Your Horse this Halloween

"Halloween is a festive time with costumes, tricks and treats, and revelry for young and old, but protecting your horse from spooky situations is important for the well being of you, your horse and trick or treaters.”

10 Fun Facts about Horses That You May Not Know

Horses have many amazing traits,some of which are in common with other animals, but also several that are different.

Tips for a Safe and Sane Halloween for Your Horse

For well-trained horses that are used to people, crowds, and excitement, all may be well, but for other horses, Halloween is a spooky time that may cause the horse to also spook.

Partnership Established to Help Unwanted Horses

The Unwanted Horse Coalition (UHC) and the American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) are joining forces in 2013 to help unwanted horses and equine care facilities.
