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Tips for a Healthier Horse During Cold Weather

Cold weather and early darkness sometimes lead to neglect of basic horse needs, but daily diligence will help insure maximum horse health.

Fall Tips for Caring for Your Senior Horse

Weight loss, decreased body condition, loss of muscle mass, and changes in eating behavior coupled with less energy, become apparent as a horse ages.

Winter Health Watch - Is Your Horse Losing Too Much Weight?

Although most horses are very adaptable to cold weather, they must be managed sensibly during winter, and higher quality feed and better shelter may be necessary to maintain health.

Fed'l TRO Issued to Block Slaughter of Horses Rounded Up by Paiute Tribe in Nevada

The shipment of the estimated 400 horses captured must be halted until Colleen Westlake, Lady's owner, inspect the horses and recovers her horse.

Help Your Horse Stay Healthy this Winter

During summer months, it is easy to provide loving care for the horses and make sure they are fit and in good health, but it isn't all that easy during the dark cold days of winter.

Best Practices in Maintaining Horse Health during Cold Weather

The horse has two natural defenses against cold, a long hair coat and a layer of fat beneath the skin. Both provide an excellent means of insulation against the cold.

The Future of HorseManShip is Coming to Conroe, Texas!

The Future of HorseManShip reflects the ultimate goal of everyone in the horse industry coming together for the mental, emotional and physical well-being of the horse and greater partnerships between horse and rider.

Keeping Your Older Horse Healthy During Cold Weather

Although time takes its toll on the older horse's bodily systems, much can be done to keep the horse healthy, spry, and capable of great companionship in spite of cold weather.

The Ride Podcast by Horse and Rider Features Adoptable Horses

While The Ride's main focus is highlighting great Western horsemen and women, each episode includes a featured horse available for adoption from A Home For Every Horse.

National Help A Horse Day – April 26, 2023

Since the launch of National Help a Horse Day, many programs have been and continue to be conceptualized to build a better life for horses.
