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Legislation Introduced to Prohibit Slaughter of Horses and End Export of Horses

Federal lawmakers have introduced legislation to prevent the establishment of inhumane horse slaughter operations within the U.S., end the current export of American horses for slaughter abroad.

Helping Your Horse Survive Hot Summer Weather

When a horse's muscular and nervous systems stop functioning properly because of heat, heat stroke is inevitable unless measures to cool the horse down and replace lost fluids are taken.

"Horse Health Matters" Published by EquiMed Press Gains Recognition as Go-To Horse Care Book

”Covering virtually all aspects of equine health, using clear language and beautiful illustrations, "Horse Health Matters - The Horse Owners Guide to Equine Healthcare” offers well-researched practical information and is now being used as a textbook i

When Horse Shivers Are Not Brought on by Cold Weather

At first glance, seeing an article about a shivering horse, one thinks of wintry cold weather, but the name of the disease is related to the tremors that the horse exhibits as opposed to shivering because of cold temperatures.

Equine Guelph Launches Senior Horse Challenge

Recognizing changes and not just dismissing them as "old age setting in" is a large part of the responsibility assumed when caring for the senior horse and Equine Guelph has the tools in Senior Horse Challenge to help horse owners.

Kissing - A Gateway for Infection Between Horse and Human?

A UK veterinarian is warning about the dangers of kissing horses because a number of infections including MRSA, ringworm, salmonella and Clostridium difficile can infect both people and horses.

Friends of Sound Horses Has Much To Offer

When your passion is for the gaited horse, FOSH offers a robust set of resources for the gaited horse enthusiast whose needs are often not addressed in mainstream media or clubs.

5 FAQs: Understanding the Equine Disease, PPID

By focusing on stress, health and comfort, horse owners can reduce the impact PPID has on their horse's life.

A Legendary Breed of Wild Horse Returns to Russia

”With only about 2,000 Przewalski horses left in the world, six endangered members of this species arrived in Russia in October, and scientists hope to restore them in the wild, and are also betting that the horses will contribute to the restoration of

Healthy Treats for Your Horse This Holiday Season

”Every horse owner knows that fruits and vegetables make healthy holiday horse treats along with treats made using natural grains and molasses.”
