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Equine Nutritionist to Join Purina Senior Horse Center

To better serve the needs of senior horses and the people who love them, the Purina® Senior Horse Resource Center on has partnered with Dr. Katie Young, Purina technical equine nutritionist. Dr. Young will provide senior horse owners with

Industry Breed and Discipline Organizations Join Forces with Time to Ride Challenge

”Since 2014, Challenge participants have introduced over 60,000 new people to horses through beginner-friendly events and additional incentives are being offered for members who participate by introducing new people to horses.”

Healthy Holiday Treats for Your Horse

Every horse owner knows that fruits and vegetables make healthy holiday horse treats along with treats made using natural grains and molasses."

Despite Census Showing Mustang Population is Half the Size Previously Claimed, Forest Service Calls for New Roundup

Forest Service and livestock interest groups have falsely inflated wild horse numbers to secure tax dollars for roundups to remove most of the wild horses from the Modoc Forest.

Maintenance Clipping for Your Horse

Learn the 8 steps that will keep your horse well-groomed with maintenance clipping along with suggestions for purchasing and keeping your clippers in good shape.

An Insurance Company with Horse Sense

Many horse owners go without horse insurance figuring that it is just too expensive and they will have to take their chances. Others are in a quandry as to where to go to get the best insurance possible for their particular situation.

Your Horse and the Dog Days of Summer

The horse's physiological efficiency may then become compromised when excess activity, particularly during hot weather, leads to excess evaporation and resulting dehydration.

Making the Best of Holiday Treats for Your Horse

During the holidays, people enjoy plenty of special treats, so why shouldn't horses? Holiday  treats can provide pleasure and add beneficial nutrients to your horse’s diet.

Newly Confirmed Cases of Horse Diseases Make Biosecurity a Top Priority for Horse Owners in 2016

”The Equine Disease Communication Center of the US urges all horse owners to follow well-documented biosecurity protocols to prevent the spread of horse diseases.”

6 Tips for Healthy Feeding of Horses in Winter

The Animal Resource Center (ARC) in Oklahoma City is caring for hundreds of animals displaced by tornados and storms and Manna Pro has donated much-needed feed.
