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American Quarter Horse Association and Zoetis Introduce Disease Information Hub

New Disease Information Hub has been created to support horse health and well-being with educational tools and articles to help horse owners protect their horses against potentially deadly equine diseases.

Wild Horse Nearly Chokes on Ribbon Attached to a Balloon

An incident in which a wild horse was seen choking on a ribbon attached to a balloon is a reminder that foreign objects can be deadly for horses.

Horse Agility Club Growing in Popularity

The long awaited Horse Agility Handbook (Trafalgar Press) is due for release in January 2012. The Horse Agility Club is an international organization and has members in countries across Europe, North America and Australasia; it promotes the competitive si


 Learn how rearing can be a defensive reaction on the part of the horse and how some horses use it to communicate dominance necessitating immediate action on the part of the handler or rider to prevent and control this dangerous action.

What You Should Know about Colic and Your Horse

Determining the severity of your horse's colic is difficult, so it is important to watch your horse closely and notify your veterinarian when signs are recognized that help in an accurate diagnosis of the problem.

More Michigan Horses Quarantined for EHV-1

Currently four facilities in Michigan are under quarantine, including the two facilities in which the EHV positive horses reside and they are being monitored for signs and symptoms of the EHV-1 illness.

Halloween - A Time to Celebrate while Keeping Horses from Being Spooked!

By taking a few minutes to think through situations that might alarm your horse and cause him to spook, you can have peace of mind while enjoying Halloween festivities.

Celebrate Halloween while Keeping Horses from Being Spooked!

By taking a few minutes now to think through situations that might alarm your horse and cause him to spook, you can have peace of mind while enjoying Halloween festivities.

Electrolytes for Your Horse - Just Buzz or for Real?

Learn about electrolytes and electrolyte alternatives and how electrolyte depletion is closely tied to the amount your horse is sweating.

Net Posse Now Offers Equine ID Microchips, Scanners, Theft Prevention Aids

Net Posse will always help track down missing horses, but is now focused on teaching horse owners how to deter theft and ID their animals with microchips so that the four-legged family members can be easily tracked.
