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The Right Horse Initiative and Zoetis Announce Educational Partnership

Right Horse partners offer their voice, support and expertise to create a unified effort to promote adoption as a preferred method of finding a horse.

Horse Castration: From Colt or Stallion to Gelding

”The castration of a horse, once it is decided that it will not be a stallion, makes them much more tractable in training and a much more effective athlete.”

Equine Herpes Viruses Taking Toll on Pennsylvania Horses

"Equine herpes virus infections in horses, such as those in Pennsylvania, can cause respiratory disease, abortion in mares, neonatal foal death, and neurological disease.”

Sored Horse Sold in Violation of Federal Law

The Prevent All Soring Tactics Act will close the loopholes in the HPA by eliminating the failed system of industry self - policing, prohibiting the use of the “stacks” and chains used to inflict pain on horses and increasing penalties to finally prov

Horse Crazy Youth Learn to Speak Horse by Taking Free Online Course

As a prey animal, horses think differently than their human keepers, so learning how to communicate with a horse is essential to building a relationship with a large animal that can squish you like a bug.

Sharing a Fairy Tale of Heroes and Villains at the Close of a Difficult Year

Tens of thousands of horses are abused, neglected and shipped across our borders for slaughter each year, - But NO HORSE should be subjected to this inhumane fate.

Governor Christie Signs Bill Prohibiting Horse Slaughter

The Humane Society of the United States applauds New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for signing A.2023, a bill that prohibits the slaughter of horses and sale of horse flesh for human consumption, bans the sale of horse meat or products derived from slaug

Horses Have Paid a Genetic Price for Becoming Human Companions

”A comparison of ancient and modern horse genomes has found that thousands of years of serving as human companions has led to damaged DNA in domesticated horses.”

Maryland Horse Tests Postive for Equine Herpes Virus-1

According to the Maryland Department of Agriculture, a horse stabled in Montgomery County has tested positive for the mutant neurotropic form of Equine Herpes Virus.
