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Monty Roberts' New Series on "Horses That Fear Spray Bottles"

Monty Roberts tackles horses' fear of spray bottles squirting strange smelling liquid on their bodies using common sense and incremental steps.

UC Davis Offers Horses For Sale

The Center for Equine Health at UC Davis periodically offers horses for sale. These horses are no longer needed for research or teaching programs and may be suitable for pleasure or performance purposes. The horses vary widely in age, breed and training.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Grain Hays to Your Horse

The nutrition the horse needs, the cost of the hay, and the availability of the feed needs to be carefully balanced to make owning a horse possible for many people.

Dealing with External Parasites and Your Horse

External parasites including house flies, "friendly" flies, such as stable, horse, deer, bot flies, mosquitoes, culicoides, lice and ticks are not only annoying, to your horse, but can be downright dangerous

Tips to Maintain Horse Health During Drought

The SUCCEED  horse health blog offers some timely information for horse owners that find themselves stymied as to how best to feed and manage their horses during years of drought.

Considering the Horse - Mind and Body - A Groundbreaking Clinic with Mark Rashid and Jim Masterson

Masterson teaches equine bodywork in which changes in the horse's behavior and relaxed movements enable the horse to release structural tension that may affect performance and behavior.

'Tis the Season When Flies and External Parasites Become a Horse's Worst Enemy

External parasites including house flies, "friendly" flies, such as stable, horse, deer, bot flies, mosquitoes, culicoides, lice and ticks are not only annoying, to your horse, but can be downright dangerous

Research Shows Importance of Protecting Horse Health When Traveling

While some horses adapt well to being transported, others do not, and being moved from one place to another can be highly stressful for them, whether they travel by air or by road.

Keeping Horses Comfortable During Winter Travel

Keeping your horse hydrated is just as essential in cold weather as it is in hot weather.
