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Nutritional Deficiencies

Learn about the severe effects on horse health that are caused by Nutritional Deficiencies and why horse owners need to determine feeding requirements for individual horses based on age, climate, level of work and exercise, lactation or pregnancy, and ge

Race Horse Deaths Caused by Bigger Purses?

On average, 24 horses die each week at racetracks across America. Many are inexpensive horses racing with little regulatory protection in pursuit of bigger and bigger prizes. These deaths often go unexamined, the bodies shipped to rendering plants and lan

USRider: Traveling with an Older Horse

While traveling, it is important to keep your older horse on his normal feeding schedule. There is a higher risk of colic because the horse is standing in one place rather than moving around.

Fever in Horses

Fever occurs with most infections, so fever in itself doesn’t tell us what’s wrong with the horse.

Is Your Horse Stiff? Is It Arthritis?

Arthritis is one of the most common conditions that affects performance and pleasure horses.

Unwanted Horses - Why and How It Affects You

Four years ago a myriad of events led to an increase in unwanted horses. “Unwanted horse” is a loose term that defines every horse which does not have a purpose, including horses that are owned and cared for but are actually unwanted, those whose o

Remember: Horses Need Year-round Exercise

As days grow shorter and the holidays take up more of a horse owner's time, making sure that horses get at least a minimum amount of exercise remains important. Horses that have pasture space in which to browse, run and play will most likely do well,

Equine Consumers' Guide Available

Horse Community Journals Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the 2011 Equine Consumers’ Guide, which made its debut at The Mane Event in Red Deer, Alberta on April 29, 2011.

Time to Vaccinate Against Mosquito-borne Horse Diseases!

While vaccination is the best way to protect horses from diseases such as WNV and EEE, staying informed about the threat of diseases can also be helpful with Merial's Outbreak Alert program, a tool horse owners can use to evaluate risk, especially when t

Equine Energy, Thermo Regulation, and Electrolyte Balance

Read to learn how energy production, heat and thermo regulation, fluid and electrolyte balance are inter-related in horse conditioning and why a proper balance is necessary.
