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Intestinal parasites of many varieties are ever-present in the horse's environment and are among the most serious health problems affecting horses. Learn about different kinds of worms and how to prevent them from destroying your horse's health.

The Dangers of Riding Your Horse in Deep Sand

Learn about the dangers of riding or conditioning your horse in deep sand. Avoid the strains, stresses and fatigue that come from riding in deep sand.

Feds Gear Up to Sell California Wild Horses for Slaughter

The Forest Service is exploiting a legal loophole to sell an estimated 300 wild horses without restriction allowing kill buyers to purchase a truckload of 36 horses.

Texas A&M and Horse Industry Vigilant against Incursion of African Horse Sickness

State, federal agencies and the U.S. horse industry are monitoring the African horse sickness situation and determining how to prevent the deadly horse disease from crossing our borders.

A Better New Year for SC Horses

Thanks to the efforts of a concerned community, Equine Rescue of Aiken and L.E.A.R.N. Horse Rescue have taken in several malnourished and neglected horses that will be enjoying a better New Year.

Time to Ride Challenge Identifies Over 41,000 New Horse Enthusiasts

”Time to Ride Challenge 2015 posted 63% growth over 2014 as top stables, clubs and businesses took home $100,000 in cash and prizes, reaching a grand total of 41,428 new horse enthusiasts throughout the summer-long program.”

Buyer Beware! What's in Those Feed Products You Give Your Horse?

What you don't know about what you are giving your horse can harm your horse and cost you time, effort, and money that may not only be wasted, but may actually be harmful to your horse's health.

The Monthly Equine Wellness Calendar Every Horse Owner Needs

Help ensure your horse’s health by working with the best resource – your veterinarian – and know his health and wellness needs, outlined in this 12-month calendar.

The Importance of Equine Learning Theory and Its Application in Real Life

In each single encounter with horses we use learning theory tools from our training toolbox.

Horse Trail Ride Injuries - Be Prepared

Eventually most trail ride horses suffer some kind of injury on the trail. Learn about the most common injuries and how your first-aid preparations can be put to good use.
