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AHC Submits Comments on Proposed Horse Protection Act Regulations

"The American Horse Council has submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service regarding proposed changes to the regulations governing enforcement of the Horse Protection Act related to the soring

EQUUS Foundation Awards Over $250,000 in Grants and Scholarships

"These charities are hard at work every day rescuing and rehabilitating unwanted horses, retraining horses after their sport careers are over, and providing homes where they continue to serve.”

Controlling Parasites in Horses, Without Contributing to Resistance

Because every horse is unique, horse owners are encouraged to work with their veterinarian to perform an annual fecal egg count test to determine their horse’s parasite levels and efficacy of treatment.

Tips to Prevent or Minimize Vaccination Reactions

Vaccinations should be a part of routine horse healthcare, under the supervision of a veterinarian. You can reduce the chances of reactions by following with advice in this excellent article by Heather Smith Thomas.

EQUUS Foundation Applauds its 2015 Horse Whisperer Grant Recipients

”Engaging with horses helps people learn the meaning of trust and the value of partnership. Horses encourage people to live life as productively and independently as possible.”

Six Ways to Feed Performance Horses for Greater Achievement

”As with all athletes, it’s important for performance horse's diets to match activity and athletic level to reach the highest level of achievement.”

What Horse Owners Should Do During the First 30 Minutes of a Suspected Infectious Disease Outbreak

Fever, diarrhea, discharge from nostrils, coughing, or increased respiratory rate may be signs of an infectious disease and once a disease is suspected, owners should take immediate steps to stop disease spread.

Horse Remains Reveal New Insights into How Native peoples Raised Horses

When a Utah couple dug up remains of a horse near the city of Provo, researchers suspected they might have discovered an animal that lived during the Ice Age, but new results suggest a different story.

Caring for Your Horse During Cold Weather

An article prepared by Dr. Robert A. Mowrey, Extension Horse Husbandry Specialist at the University of Arizona gives valuable tips about caring for horses during cold weather. Proper feeding and watering, housing, and care of horses during cold weather ca

World Equestrian Center 2024 Equine Health and Safety Protocols

World Equestrian Center looks forward to a wonderful 2024 show season and hope that all exhibitors do their part on following these rules to help ensure the safety of all horses.
