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HORSE GYM USA Introduces the Ultimate RELAXation

”The HORSE GYM USA® | RELAX features a combination vibrating floor and overhead solarium for muscle support and stress relief and the vibrating floor increases blood circulation in the horses’ legs and conditions muscles.”

2016 - The Year of Biosecurity to Prevent Contagious Horse Diseases

"Equine Guelph has named 2016 the Year of Biosecurity because the horse industry has unique challenges in preventing the spread of contagious diseases when the average horse frequently travels off its home property or encounters horses that have been off

Snow Isn’t The Only Winter Worry When It Comes to Horses - Tips from SmartPak

Now that you know more about winter colic risk factors, learn how you can help keep your horse’s digestive system healthy- protect yourself and your horse by enrolling in ColiCare!.

7 Tips for Maintaining Horse Health in Cold Weather

Cold winter weather makes special demands on your horses' health so it is important to make sure your horse receives the feed and water necessary to remain healthy during cold weather.

Risk-based Horse Diseases - Summer Considerations for Horse Owners

Your veterinarian will help you decide what vaccines are essential for your horse, when they should be administered and at what frequency to help provide optimal immunity.

Beware of External Parasite Health Threats to Horses during Cold Weather

External parasites such as mites are not only a nuisance, but can also be a source of serious health threats to horses during cold winter weather.

Summertime Horse Coat & Skin Care Challenges - Julie Goodnight Shares Her Tricks of the Trade

'From the grooming tools and products I use, to the techniques I employ, it's all about keeping my horse healthy and happy,' says Goodnight.

What Causes a Horse to "Shut Down" and How to Move Forward

Given the many common misconceptions inherent in traditional horsemanship, things could be a lot better for horses and their people if everyone had more understanding of learning theory.

Beware of External Parasite Health Threats to Horses during Cold Weather

External parasites such as mites are not only a nuisance, but can also be a source of serious health threats to horses during cold winter weather.

NRHA and OQHA Announce Strategic Alliance

Reining’s history is deeply rooted in the state of Ohio. From the long list of reining legends coming from the region to the first National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) Futurity being held in Columbus, the sport took its first steps in Ohio and cont
