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National Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association Supports AHC Welfare Code

”The American Horse Council Welfare Code of Practice encourages everyone to consider the health, safety, and welfare of their horses in all aspects of their activities, including the social and ethical issues.”

Nothing to Nay About with Horse-Friendly Improvements at Fairplex Pomona

Attendees and exhibitors of the Horse Expo Pomona will be in for a pleasant surprise as the Fairplex is making welcoming improvements for the upcoming Horse Expo Pomona, January 30 - February 1, 2015.

Equine Functional Anatomy - Discover Your Horse from the Inside Out

A growing number of horse owners rely on the misconception that if their horse appears healthy and fit, then chances are it is. What if we had the tools to help us look beyond a horse’s appearance so that good decisions could be made for its optimal hea

Your Horse Has a Swollen Leg - Why and What To Do

The inactivity that goes with horses being kept in stalls during winter months sometimes leads to a condition known as "stocking up." The horse owner notices that a horse's leg or legs have become swollen and filled with fluid over night. In some case

Potomac Horse Fever Strikes Mid-Atlantic States

Potomac horse fever spreads to horses when they ingest infected snails or insects while grazing or drinking, and rainy weather in the mid-Atlantic region this year may have led to more infected snails.

Free Gastroscopy Exams Offered at Horse Show

Competitors at the Kentucky Horse Park have an opportunity for a free gastroscopy exam of their horse courtesy of Merial and Rood and Riddle on June 11-12, during the 2-day break between the Country Heir I and Country Heir II Horseshow. Gastroscopy exams

More than a Dozen Horses Rescued from Flood Waters in Indiana

”Around 8:30 a.m., the horse owner called 911 because the water was too cold and moving too quickly to get safely across, and although the horses were not in immediate danger where they were, the flood waters were becoming more threatening.”

Sen. Mary Landrieu: Humane Horsewoman of the Year

The Humane Society of the United States has named Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., the 2011 Humane Horsewoman of the Year. Champion because of her work on the horse slaughter ban and Tennessee walking horse protection

Jessica Springsteen Joins ASPCA in Petition to Ban Horse Slaughter

The horse is the New Jersey State Animal and now, several prominent New Jersey horse owners and advocates, including accomplished equestrian Jessica Springsteen (daughter of musician Bruce Springsteen) have joined the the American Society for the Preventi

Winter Hoof-Care Tips for Horse Owners

Winter months are not kind to equine hooves.
