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Can You Catch the Flu from Your Horse?

If your horse is sick with the flu, take biosafety precautions such as washing hands and clothes or equipment that came in contact with that horse, as soap will kill influenza viruses.

Protest Today Urging Nevada Governor to Reinstate Mustang Cooperative

Nevada Governor Sandoval is being urged to rescind the termination of the Virgina Range Horse Cooperative Agreement with AWHC which includes the humane birth control program.

Salt River Horses Saved from Drowning in Arizona Canal

Two Salt River horses, a mare and her foal, are saved after being swept into the current in a Salt River Project canal.

New App from Equine Guelph Empowers Horse Owners

Assess your horse's vital health data, body condition score and body weight with a few simple clicks and easily share this information with your healthcare team.

British Horse Rescues Struggling to Meet Demand

The number of horses suffering from abuse or neglect has risen dramatically in the past year, according to the charity World Horse Welfare. One of the factors causing this is that people are struggling in the current economic climate and the price of feed

Autumn Brings Woes and Pleasures for Horseowners

Depending on where you live, autumn months bring a variety of weather conditions that affect horse owners, riders, and horses in ways that bring pleasure, but also in ways that are distracting, frustrating and create extra work for both the horse and the

Most Popular Names for Your New Foal or Horse

What might be surprising about the top 10 most popular horse names is that they are all traditional, although the influence of current media does have some impact with foal names such as "Twilight" based on the hit series coming into play.

Overcoming Winter's Unkindness to Horses' Hooves

Winter months are not kind to equine hooves.

New Sport Horse Injury/Lameness Prevention & Care Online Course Coming in April

You will learn about the horse’s musculoskeletal system, how they move, best practices for detecting lameness, assessment tools, management of a lame horse and the latest research.

Winter Hoof-Care Tips for Horse Owners

Cold winter months are not kind to equine hooves.
