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Importance of Water as a Nutrient for Horses

When scientists look for life on other planets, the single substance they look for is water. Why? Because every single organism we know of - needs water. For sake of the obvious, horses, like humans, can survive longer without food, than without water

Advocacy Group Slams BLM for Proceeding with Experiment on Nevada Wild Horses

”The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign has blasted the BLM for ignoring scientific advice and environmental complaints in its decision to use an experimental fertility control vaccine on wild horses in the Antelope Herd Management Area in easter

Mega-Mustang Removal Starts Week After Federal Investigation Confirms BLM Illegally Sold Nearly 2,000 Wild Horses for Slaughter

”Over 21,000 citizens have signed a petition in opposition to the massive roundup planned for Oregon which would leave only 100 wild horses in this 400,000-acre (625 square mile!) public land area.”

March 2016 Brings New Cases of Infectious Horse Diseases

”March 2016 has seen a number of equine disease outbreaks in the USA including EVH-1, strangles, rabies, piroplasmosis, and equine infectious anemia.”

Colic or Rabies — Similar Symptoms Can Place Horse Owners at Risk

Through rabies vaccination in horses, horse owners' exposure to rabies - which is a zoonotic disease - is prevented.

Equine Industry and Animal Welfare Organizations Announce Collaborative Effort to Ban Horse Slaughter

During Triple Crown season, the 'Final Stretch Alliance to End Horse Slaughter' issues a joint letter to congressional leaders, calling for passage of the SAFE Act to end slaughter of American horses.

Biden Administration Continues Unscientific, Inhumane Wild Horse & Burro Roundup Program

Livestock outnumber wild horses and burros on BLM land; of the 155 million acres grazed by private livestock, only 27 million are shared with federally-protected wild horses and burros.

Ten Tips for Better Horse Hoof Health

10 things you can do to improve your horse's health. This article will help you develop the skills to maintain your horse's feet with occasional support by a professional farrier.

RideAlert Partners with Colorado Horse Council

RideAlert is proud to announce their latest Partnership with a great, well-established and respected Equestrian organization - the Colorado Horse Council.


Learn about the many parasites that affect horse health and what you can do to minimize the population of parasites and the effect they have on horse health by following 9 steps recognized by AAEP as being central to parasite control.
