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Equine Guleph a Leader in eLearning

The 10th anniversary year at Equine Guelph has given the horse community much to celebrate as they have proven themselves leaders in equine education, health and welfare.

Rescue Horses and Veterans: A Good Fit

Horses4Heroes offers therapeutic programs to veterans such as Back in the Saddle, a four-week empowerment workshop, and Unfinished Business, a program for veterans with PTSD and others who need to say “good-bye,” get over a loss or difficult situation

Telemedicine - A Big Help for Horse Owners during the Pandemic!

With many equine veterinarians establishing telemedicine services, a call will often help solve health issues and determine if in-person/horse visits are necessary.

Zoetis Donates CORE EQ INNOVATOR Vaccines to Partners of The ASPCA's Right Horse Initiative

Equine organizations across the country are eligible to receive free vaccines for the hundreds of horses in their care.

3 Out of 4 Americans Oppose Inhumane Helicopter Roundups of Wild Horses

Bipartisan opposition mounts to Bureau of Land Management's plan to roundup 19,000 of America's iconic wild horses this year.

Recognizing Corona Virus in Horses - What Every Horse Owner Needs To Know

Coronavirus infections in horses are definitely diagnosed by submitting feces for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to identify the implicated viral nucleic acids.

Study Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Equine Metabolic Syndrome

Equine metabolic syndrome, which has no cure, is characterized by endocrine abnormalities in horses and ponies.

What is your Horse's Risk of Colic this Spring?

Colic problems arise when spring grasses are 3 to 4 inches tall before the horse is turned out and he consumes too much, causing a digestive upset.

Dr. Sue Dyson Features in New Equine Documentary on the 24 Behaviors of the Ridden Horse in Pain

Dr. Dyson and colleagues developed The Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram (RHpE), a tool to reliably predict lameness before the condition worsens into limping and other obvious signs of injuries.

Did Horse Owners Know about Soring of Tennessee Walkers?

According to District Attorney General Mike Dunavant, several Tennessee Walking Horse owners will be investigated to determine whether they knew their horses were being sored by Jackie McConnell.
