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Alternative Medicine as a Possibility for Horses with EPM

Equine Protozoal myeloencaphalitis (EPM), also known as "sleeping sickness"  can appear in foals only a few days old or horses in their 30s. Any age, sex or breed can develop it, although young horses, and those shipped frequently, seem to be at greater

Let Whinny Warmers Protect Your Horse from Winter Chill

In warm weather, a horse annoyed by biting flies on its legs can take off at a lively trot for the far side of the pasture to escape the pests.  But if those same legs are exposed to winter’s bitter chill, while suffering from the pain of arthritis or

Horse Owners Urged to Vaccinate Horses Against West Nile Virus

With five cases of West Nile virus having been diagnosed in the past month, according to Neil Dyer, director of the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, veterinarians are reminding horse owners to make sure horse vaccinations are up-to-date.

Texans Warned about Illegal Entry of Horses with Piroplasmosis

 Horses and other livestock smuggled across the Mexican border increase the risk of horses coming into the US with infectious diseases such as piroplasmosis which could lead to epidemics in the United States.

Utah Man Arrested after Dragging Horse Behind Truck

"The video reportedly showed Freeman Yoder pulling a draft horse behind a truck until it dropped to the ground, then he continued pulling the animal toward the barn after it would not stand up.”

BLM Says It Won't Kill 45k Wild Horses and Burros after Public Outcry

"The Bureau of Land Management has announced it will continue to care for over 45,000 wild horses after public outcry in response to an advisory committee’s recommendation to euthanize the animals.”

Detailed Undercover Investigation Reveals Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse at Top Training Barn

”Investigation finds that horses slated to compete in the upcoming Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration have been subjected to barbaric soring practices by big-name, previously cited trainers continuing their illegal conduct.”

Edie Falco and Last Chance for Animals Reveal Abuses of New York City Carriage Horses

”Group calls for passing of Intro 573 after uncovering routine violations of New York City carriage horse laws and regulations with horses operating in dangerous traffic conditions, deprived of water, and forced to work while lame.”

Dr. Glenn Blodgett Appointed to American Horse Council Board

”Dr. Blodgett received his bachelor’s degree in animal science from Oklahoma State University and earned his degree in veterinary medicine from Texas A&M University, and has since been recognized as an outstanding alumnus by both universities.”

Rep. Raul Grijalva Calls for Changes in BLM Wild Horse Program

The Animal Resource Center (ARC) in Oklahoma City is caring for hundreds of animals displaced by tornados and storms and Manna Pro has donated much-needed feed.
