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Tips for Successful Spring Management of Your Horse Farm

Spring presents management challenges and opportunities on the horse farm, and there's no better time to evaluate and put together a farm improvement plan!

Teff Hay for Horses

The growing popularity of teff is due to its ability to produce high-quality hay in a relatively short growing season and the fact that when growth is managed it can be as low as 5% in sugar.

Incidence of Traumatic Horse Injuries Studied

A research project funded by an equine charity in Speen, Buckinghamshire, The Horse Trust, has found that 40% of horses suffered a traumatic injury within the past year with only 13% of injuries occurring during riding exercises, while 62% occurred while

Reward Offered in Mississippi Horse Deaths

Two of the horses were shot and killed and a third had been shot and suffered greatly until located by the owner, who had the severely injured horse euthanized.

FEI Requires Microchips in All Newly Registered Horses as of 1/1/2013

Beginning January 1, 2013, the FEI General Assembly has made a change in veterinary regulations that all horses to be newly registered with the FEI must be microchipped. The microchip must be compatible with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785, and all microchip info

Will Crocs for Horses Be the Next Big Thing?

A plastic coated traditional metal horse shoe that can be glued on instead of having to be nailed to the hoof appears to have great possibilities.

Riding Disabled Invited to See Amazing Horses

At a special event taking place on Tuesday June 19, 2012, at the Horse Palace Warm-up Arena, at the CNE grounds, from 12:00 – 1.00 p.m,  the Community Association for Riding for Disabled,  Liberty Horses and the Toronto Mounted Police will be showing

Horses May Soon Be Slaughtered

Since Congress lifted a ban on horse slaughter last week, people within the industry are hoping to open a slaughter house within 30 to 90 days. The meat would be shipped to Asia and Europe.

Grand Meadows Cares Series: Is Your Equine Feed Supplement Bucket List Too Long?

Treating symptoms is rarely the answer to solving a medical issue long term since an equine’s metabolic processes can quickly become unbalanced if feed supplements are used without care and attention.

5 Signs your horse is stressed out!

While scientists have yet to determine the exact line between acceptable and unacceptable stress, handlers can pay attention to signs that their horses aren't coping well with stress.
