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Tips on Dealing with Damp Hooves on Horses

Fall, followed closely by wet winter weather is here in many areas and that means dealing with rain, slush, snow and a lot of wet hooves on horses and other equines.

Method of Feeding Makes a Difference in Horse Health

Research by equine nutritionists shows that metabolic problems and gastrointestinal upsets are quite common in today’s horses because of the way they are usually fed. In the wild, horses forage for food for many hours a day. Modern horses are often fed

Federal Court To Hear Motion to Dismiss Utah Rancher Anti-Mustang Lawsuit

The Utah case was filed by the Western Rangelands Conservation Association on behalf of ranchers who graze livestock on public lands in southwestern Utah and seeks removal of hundreds of wild horses.

Trump Interior Nominee Should Honor American Public's Support for Protection of Mustangs as "Symbols of America's Greatness"

"While we are concerned about Rep. Zinke’s record regarding wild horse protection, we are hopeful that he will address the ongoing federal mismanagement of the program, save taxpayers' money and preserve free-roaming wild horses and burros as part of o

All American Quarter Horse Congress Accepting Media Internship Applications

Interns will gain experience working the largest horse show in the world, all while networking with people in the Quarter Horse industry.

Taking Saddle Fitting to the Next Level with Horse Shape Laser

Schleese announces a revolutionary new saddle fitting tool, The HorseShape Laser®, to measure the horse’s back and take a complete 3D image of the horse's back shape within seconds to assist in custom manufacturing or custom fitting the saddle.

Confirmed Cases of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Quarantined in Colorado

”The Equine Disease Communication Center reports that three horses on one premise in Montezuma County, Colorado, have been confirmed positive for Vesicular Stomatitis Virus.”

Veterinarians Recommend Vaccine for Potentially Fatal Disease in Horses

Eastern Equine Encephalitis is completely preventable with a vaccination, and since immunity only lasts between six and 12 months, owners are encouraged to have their horses vaccinated every spring and fall.

New Treatment Offers Hope for Headshaking in Horses

The study shows that PENS therapy should be the first-line treatment for trigeminal-mediated headshaking in horses that have failed to respond to conservative treatment, such as nose-nets.

Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy Strikes New Jersey Horse

The NJ Department of Agriculture took swift action to prevent the disease from spreading to other horses by enacting a quarantine which stops movement of horses in and out of the farm and puts in place preventive measures to contain the virus.
