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New Research Addresses Transmission of Strangles in Horses

Objectives of the study are to molecularly characterize S. equi from horses in Ontario and to develop an Ontario S. equi typing database for future study and surveillance.

EQUUS Foundation Awards Over $250,000 in Grants and Scholarships in 2015

”The Board of Directors of the EQUUS Foundation has announced that over $250,000 was awarded in grants and scholarships in 2015 to ensure the well-being of horses, improve the quality of life of people through equine-assisted activities, and foster the

Help Your Senior Horse Weather the Winter

"Cold weather can be especially challenging for senior horses, so it’s important to make sure he’s getting the care and support he needs even if he’s weathered previous winters without any trouble.”

Detect and Monitor Equine Inflammation Due to Infection in 10 Minutes

The ability to identify inflammation in infected horses before they show clinical signs is critical, not only for the health of the horse.

Grand Meadows Cares Series: What You Need to Know About the Mighty Omega-3 and 6 in Your Horse Feed Supplements

A horse’s diet should be appropriately supplemented with a balanced nutritional approach considering its available forage and grain resources, and addressing age, performance level and overall health,

Deworming Strategies

Horse parasites are a daily fact of life. Read about the different kinds of parasites that affect your horse, the types of dewormers available, and learn ways to get rid of parasites before they become a problem.

Added Fat Improves Behavior of Horses

Diet affects behavior. This makes sense. A well-fed horse is healthy and a healthy horse feels good. Conversely, a poorly-nourished horse is suffering.

SmartPak Announces Top Ten Horse Names for 2015

”SmartPak is on a first-name basis with every one of the tens of thousands of horses using SmartPaks and each year it enjoys compiling a list of America’s favorite horse names.”

Veterinarians Call on BLM to Abandon Barbaric Surgical Sterilization Experiments on Wild Horses

BLM's National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is expected to consider the issue of surgical sterilizations as a fertility control option for curbing wild horse populations on the range.

Research into How Short-term Transport Stress Affects Immune Function in Older Horses

Study indicates that older horses being transported for a short distance and/or duration may have altered immune responses, which could increase their susceptibility to transport-related illnesses.
