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Friends of Sound Horses Testifies Before Congressal Committee

The PAST bill provides for stronger penalties, elimination of stacks and chains and abolishment of the current inspection system which is riddled with conflicts of interests and corruption.

Tennessee Congressional Rep Opposes Horse Soring Bill

At a hearing of the Energy and Commerce Committee on November 13, 2013, Whitfield's bill to ban soring activities was met with opposition from his fellow Republican, Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn.

New Aerosal Thrush Treatment for Horses

Are you tired of the messy, hard-to-use thrush treatments?  Product dripping down your horse’s hoof, leaving stains on your hands, clothes and barn floor?  Whether you use the ‘paintbrush’ method or pour it on straight from the bottle, treating a

December Tips to Prevent Horse Colic

When cold weather arrives, changes in diet and stabling often occur at the same time as changes in activity which can impact your horses risk of colic.

Grand Champion Fly Repellent Joins Farnam's Horse Fly Control Lineup

The ultimate double duty Grand Champion™ Fly Repellent is now part of Farnam's trusted line of fly control to keep horses looking their best and protected from annoying pests.

What Makes A Horse An Equine Senior?

Dr. Getty credited improvements in veterinary care, nutritional progression, and advancements with supplementation for common ailments like arthritis for keeping horses healthy and mobile longer.

Fall is the Time to Make Sure Your Horse is Tapeworm Free

No reliable fecal diagnostic test for tapeworm infections in equines exists, but selecting a deworming product that contains praziquantel, which is approved for the treatment of tapeworms in horses, helps remove them.

Time To Ride Announces 2018 Challenge to Attract New Horse Enthusiasts

The Time To Ride approach gives barn owners an opportunity to introduce non-horsey people to the beauty and benefits horses bring to our lives.

New Cases of Infectious Horse Diseases Reported from Coast to Coast in USA

”The goal of the Equine Disease Communication Center is to alert the horse industry about disease outbreak information to help mitigate and prevent the spread of disease.”

Virginia Horse Tests Positive for West Nile Virus

”The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has announced the state’s first positive case of West Nile Virus in a horse, a five-year-old Choctaw mare, in 2015.”
