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The Role of the Horse's Hind Gut in Laminitis

When laminitis occurs without the horse being seriously ill, and with no over consumption of grain, there is at least a 90% chance the cause is high insulin.

Vaccinated Thoroughbred Gelding Tests Positive for West Nile in California

Gelding displayed neurological signs, including incoordination in all four limbs, exaggerated gait in the front limbs, and recumbency, making this the ninth confirmed case of equine WNV in California in 2022.

Warning to Horse Owners: Use Caution Mixing Chastetree Berries with Pergolide

Horses on CTB + pergolide had better resolution of the abnormal PPID coat but horses on CTB alone or CTB + pergolide had much higher ACTH levels than on pergolide alone, indicating CTB can interfere with effects of pergolide.

New Film on Plight of Wild Horses

The focal point of a new film that captures the brutality of the Bueau of Land Management wild horse roundups is the story of a stallion called Traveler and his journey from being a proud wild stallion to becoming an inmate at BLM processing center in

New Regs for Contagious Equine Metritis

Regulations regarding the importation of horses from countries affected with contagious equine metritis (CEM), a serious venereal disease, have an additional certification requirement for imported horses 731 days of age or less with added new testing p

Five Things Horses Need

Horses are individuals and may need additional nutrients and care, but covering the basics will optimize your horse's foundation for a lifetime of vibrant health.

Equine Endocrinology: Cushings Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

Two related endocrine disorders of mature and geriatric horses: equine Cushing's disease and a condition known as metabolic syndrome feature striking clinical similarities.

My Horse Bucks for NO Reason

There are reasons your horse acts the way he does, so think about how your horse may be telling you something is wrong long before he exhibits hurtful or dangerous behavior.

Bluebonnet Feeds® Introduces Performance Plus Complete

The feed designed to meet the nutritional needs of every type of horse is simplifying horsemen’s lives by eliminating the guesswork and waste associated with feeding hay.

Antiparasitic Resistance Invokes FDA Request

As horses move from place to place, resistant worms are spread on the pasture infecting other grazing herds.
