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BLM Launches Scoping on Checkerboard Wild Horse Removal

"The wild horse populations on the checkerboard lands exceed the limits set forth in the 2013 Consent Decree, therefore triggering their removal.”

Breyer Commemorates Verdades - A Great American Horse

Laura chose not to give up on her strong-willed partner, and their journey led to Verdades becoming top-ranked American horse on FEI Dressage World Rankings.

Donations to Benefit Working Equines Blasts Past $1 Million Goal

Brooke USA’s 2017 Horse Heroes campaign honors horses of yesterday while helping those of today.

Don’t Miss It! Homes for Horses Coalition Conference Coming 9/22-23

Attendees will be inspired to think outside the box at the 2017 Homes for Horses Coalition Conference on Friday and Saturday, September 22 and 23 in Los Angeles, CA

Celebrities urge Congress to keep horse slaughterhouses closed in the U.S.

The Humane Society Legislative Fund along with William Shatner, Kaley Cuoco, Willie Nelson and others, are urging law makers to pass an amendment that prohibits the use of federal funds to inspect horse slaughter facilities.

Reducing the Costs of Senior Horse Maintenance and Care

"Some of our senior horses cost more to maintain than their younger peers."

Purina Introduces SuperSport Supplement for Faster Muscle Recovery

A study demonstrated horses receiving SuperSport™ amino acid supplement experienced decreased recovery time and increased exercise capacity, among other benefits when compared to horses receiving alfalfa pellets.

Jump-Start Winter Hoof Care for Your Horse

"Regardless of whether they’re shod or not, all horses should have their hooves picked out and inspected daily, and should be trimmed on a regular basis year-around.”

Add a Serving of Caution to the Tender Spring Grass

”Regardless of the growth stage, quantities should be monitored because horses crave fresh grass and will eat volumes of it.”

Insulin Resistance, Exercise and the Risks of Laminitis in Horses

Horses which receive regular exercise seem to be fairly protected against laminitis, however, it is difficult to know whether the exercise aids in increasing insulin sensitivity or is simply protective against obesity.
