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Fecal Egg Count in Horse Worm Control

The worming experts at Pfizer Animal Health and Westgate Laboratories have combined their expertise to help horse owners understand why Fecal Worm Egg Counts (FWECs) are one of the most important tools to help with summer worm control.

Case of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy Confirmed

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has been notified of a confirmed case of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM), caused by equine herpes virus 1 (EHV-1), in Southern Ontario.

Obama Nominates Neil Kornze of Nevada to Become Director of BLM

The BLM manages free-roaming horses and burros on public lands in western states and are obligated to protect them under the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.

Sundowner Horse Trailers Being Pulled in All Directions

Whether it’s to a trail ride or the show arena, Sundowner trailers are being pulled in all directions. That’s because there’s a Sundowner trailer designed to meet the needs of every family, entry-level or professional horseman.

Identification Technology Demonstrated at APHA Show

The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) is working closely with Global Animal Management to introduce the newest technology in equine identification to attendees of the APHA World Championship Show in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 2-12.

Owner Told “There's Nothing Left to Do” Turns Despair into Success with Hock Shields™

”Long-lasting, neoprene-constructed Hock Shields are the go-to choice in healing protection for bed and hock sores on horses and ponies by such recognized groups and organizations.”

Positive Long-term Colic Surgery Results for Horses

A recently published study funded by Morris Animal Foundation shows that colic surgery results in overwhelmingly positive outcomes for both horses and owners.

Controlling Horse Parasites Through Pasture Management

”Widespread use of wormers along with the infrequent introduction of new athelmintics has created parasites that are resistant to many of the drugs.”

Gene Chip May Be Key to WNV in Horses

A new gene chip developed at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine sheds light on brain response in horses infected with West Nile virus and could lead to better ways to diagnose and treat both equines and humans infected with the disea

BLM Continues Nevada Burro Roundup

The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service began rounding up wild horses and burros from the Spring Mountains on Wednesday, July  11, and over the next two weeks all 1,200 wild horses and burros in the Spring Mountains will be captured. Onc
