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Monty Roberts' New Series on Retraining the Off The Track Thoroughbred Available Now

In the warm up, the horse and rider need to come together both physically and psychologically - Monty Roberts

Potomac Horse Fever: Know the Signs of this Potentially Deadly Disease

”Aquatic insects such as damselflies, caddisflies and mayflies might pick up infected immature flukes, and horses grazing near freshwater creeks, rivers or on irrigated pasture can ingest the insects carrying PHF.”

What Horse Owners Should Know About Use of Haylage

Haylage is not recommended for horses due to the danger of botulism since dust in hay is formed when the hay is insufficiently dried, leading to heating and spoilage and allowing the growth of the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum.

Boehringer Ingelheim and the Equine Network Collaborate on Equine Disease Information Dissemination

A new program sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and hosted by the Equine Network will distribute disease information from the Equine Disease Communication Center throughout the industry.

Fight Horse Flies On All Fronts in 2019

A horse farm of any size can benefit from tackling the bugs at the source where they start, and that is where SmartPak's Fly Stoppers come in.

Horses and Humans Research Foundation Announces Up to $150,000 Available for Research Projects Focusing on Horse and Human Interaction

The HHRF is dedicated to supporting research that contributes to the understanding of the benefits, challenges, and mechanisms underlying interactions between horses and humans.

New Book Focuses on Infectious Diseases of the Horse

A clinician and a pathologist, faculty members of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, have collaborated to produce a thorough and balanced account of infectious diseases affecting horses.


Learn about the conditions known as Malocclusions in the horse's mouth and why they need to be corrected in the young horse to insure proper chewing of feed and prevent malnutrition.

Vets Advice about Treating Equine Eye Problems: "Don't"

Many horse owners are used to treating minor injuries and diseases, but when it comes to treating equine eye problems, the best advice from veterinarians is, "Don't." According to veterinarians at UC Davis, the most common eye problems in horses fall

Treating and Preventing Osteoarthritis in Horses

Researchers are making progress on efforts to develop new gene and stem cell therapy approaches to help heal cartilage and prevent osteoarthritis in horses.
