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Core Equine Disease Risks Increase Amid Mosquito Season

Horses are threatened with mortality rates up to 90 percent from mosquito-transmitted diseases, which include Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis and West Nile virus.

Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training Imperative For First Responders in the Bluegrass

One opportunity focuses on strategic teamwork to preserve the safety of horses and other Bluegrass livestock - Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training.

Improving Your Horse's Topline

A calorie count, evaluation of the digestibility of the diet and, if necessary, checking for underlying diseases will help locate the problem when it comes to a horse's topline.

New Equine Health & Wellness Partnership Between the United States Pony Clubs and Zoetis Inc.

From the barn to the veterinary clinic to a Pony Club rally, Zoetis is committed to being by the side of ponies and their caregivers.

Learn About the Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) Outbreak in California on March 17, 2022

Presentation on EHV will be given by Dr. Robert Keene, Boehringer Ingelheim Professional Services Veterinarian, with plenty of time to answer questions!

Horses Benefit with Steam-Powered Successes in Tokyo Olympics

Haygain helps alleviate the stress that comes with changing a significant portion of the horse's diet so horses are performing at their best on the world stage.

Magnesium, the Mighty Mineral for Horse Health

Like calcium and phosphorus in the skeleton, magnesium has an important structural role as a component of bone, cell membranes and chromosomes in horse health.


Learn about the two kinds of contusions in horses and why assessment and treatment by a veterinarian is important if the contusion is large or in a limb that may affect the horse's performance.

Sarcoptic Mange

 Learn about the scaling, crusting, weeping serum, and loss of hair caused by the microscopic parasite that sometimes infests the skin of horses and why immediate treatment is necessary to minimize its spread.

How Donkey's Nutritional Needs Differ from Those of Horses

Because donkeys evolved as browsers eating shrubs and woody vegetation, their digestive systems are able to handle highly fibrous forage lower in nutritional quality than what is required by horses, and they also require less water.">
