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$50,000 Available for Research Investigating the Interactions of Horses on Humans Who Have Experienced Trauma

Through this call, which reflects the need to address the gaps in knowledge in equine-assisted services, Horses and Humans Research Foundation strives to support true leaps in research.

Up to $75,000 Available for Research Investigating The Impact of EAS on Social, Physical, Cognitive, Mental, Emotional and/or Spiritual Aspects of Participant

Grant applications should include rigorous research proposals measuring the impact of the horse-human interaction on the wellbeing of the human participant.

Clinton Anderson's 2015 Walkabout Tour Schedule

Whether you dream of teaching your horse the most advanced moves in horsemanship or simply want to take the horse/human relationship as far as you can, Clinton and Professional Clinician Shana Terry will show you how.

How to Apply Sweat Bandages To Horses' Legs Properly

The purpose of a sweat bandage on a horse's leg is to generate heat, add pressure and provide support.

Cold Weather Nutritional Tips for Your Horse

”The basis of every horse’s diet should be high-quality forage, whether that’s pasture, hay, or another source along with additional nutrients like vitamins and minerals, omega 3 fatty acids, and possibly digestive support.”

SmartPak Introduces New Products to Fly Collections for Spring 2020

Nothing ruins a ride or a peaceful pasture faster than a swarm of flies and with warmer months approaching, now is the perfect time to stock up on items to protect your horse from biting insects.

Mustang Heritage Foundation Receives Recognition from Bureau of Land Management

The Bureau of Land Management recognized the MHF for their placement of more than 11,200 wild horses and burros into good homes.

Natural Horsemanship? Just Hit Him - Say Again?

I thought natural horsemanship was about being the herd leader, gaining control and respect on the ground through moving the horse’s feet, applying pressure and release, not force and pain. “Hit him” rang in my ears all the way home.

A Tranquil Trot: Music Helps Reduce Stress in Horses

Studies show that playing music can help balance equine behavior because it helps mask outside sounds and vibrations, as well as provide a positive and relaxing effect.
