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Absorbine ‘Lends a Hoof’ to Louisiana Horses in Need

"Many horses are suffering because of the floods in Louisiana and whether it is providing products that can support their recovery or donating hay to help feed them, there are plenty of ways to pitch in and support relief.”

Insecticide/Repellent Protects Horses from Flies and Disease

With drought-like conditions affecting several regions of the United States, Absorbine® recognizes the particular needs of horse owners in hot, dry climates. The development of UltraShield® Red Insecticide & Repellent offers broad spectrum protection ag

Colic Prevention: Smart Tips to Reduce Your Horse's Risk

SmartPak powers healthy horses and happy riders, and one way they seek to accomplish that is through education. The Supplement Experts at SmartPak host monthly informational webinars, and this month the topic is on colic prevention with a session called â

Dr. Getty’s Tip on Treats: Which are safe and which are not?

Horse owners often ask equine nutritionist Dr. Juliet Getty about the safety of offering common—and sometimes not so common—foods as treats. Carrots have naturally come up in discussion, but also French fries, garlic bread, and even chocolate.

Working Horses are Invisible, Claims the Brooke in New Report

”It’s easy to forget that horses once provided a great deal of labor to every-day people. For 600 million people in the developing world today that is still the reality - 112 million horses, donkeys, and mules are supporting their livelihoods.”

PATH Intl. Recognized as Finalist for Equine Vision Award

PATH Intl. is proud to announce that it is a finalist for the American Horse Publications 12th Annual Equine Industry Vision Award sponsored by Zoetis, formerly Pfizer Animal Health.

Does Your Overweight Horse Have An Insulin Problem?

It didn't take long for an assumption to arise that obesity is a laminitis risk factor and causes elevated insulin.

Y Chromosome Uncovers Oriental Origin of Modern Stallions

Researchers who analyzed the Y chromosomes of more than 50 horses found that the paternal lines of nearly all modern horses trace to stallions brought to Europe from the Orient over the last 700 years.

Zinpro Corporation Celebrates 45 Years of Contributing to Animal Wellness

”Horses require a different level of nutrition based on their age, activity levels and other factors, and trace minerals including zinc, copper, manganese and cobalt are essential for horse health, growth and performance.”

Q and A: Leptospirosis – A Hidden Threat for Your Horse

Horse getting a vaccination Help protect your horse from Leptospirosis, which is a bacterial infection caused by spirochetes, with a safe and effective vaccine
