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Fall in Love with Fantasia, Equine Affaire’s Musical Celebration of the Horse

Equine Affaire's celebration of the horse combines the talents of the world's best equestrian performers with the magic of music to create one of the horse industry's beloved traditions.

American Association of Equine Practitioners Creates Commission to Alleviate Equine Veterinarian Shortage

Approximately 50% of AAEP members operate one-and two-doctor practices, so outreach to horse owners and equine industry partners about alleviating equine veterinarian shortage is critically important.

FLAIR® Equine Nasal Strips in Horse Racing

The future of FLAIR Strips is exciting with the continued and growing trend of owners and trainers optimizing their horses’ health and performance by using FLAIR Strips as part of their equine care.

Gene-doping Test Supports Health of Racehorses

Penn Vet’s research team at the college’s New Bolton Center has developed a real-time test to detect whether a specific gene therapy agent has been injected into the joint of a horse.

Why Do Horses Eat Dirt?

Geophagia is a disorder characterized by eating substances of little or no nutritional value and it can be caused by a number of factors.

Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign Distributes 3,200 Complimentary Vaccines to Horses in Need

"Supported in partnership by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) and Merck Animal Health, the UHVRC has delivered more than 21,000 free vaccines to horses in need since its inception.”

Thermography of Horses' Legs - Drafts Do Make a Difference!

Since its introduction years ago, thermography has been increasingly used by vets to pinpoint the cause of lameness in horses, but a recent study shows that airflow conditions can lead to a misdiagnosis.

Call for "Spokes Horse" for Colic Crusade

The official slogan for the Equine Colic Awareness Month, which runs June 1-30, 2013, will be Surviving Colic Doesn't Stop Colic. Make a Change.

BLM Delays Start Date for Controversial Horse Sterilization Experiments Amidst Lawsuits and Public Outcry

”An open letter to Secretary Jewell challenged her to watch the eyewitness video of the surgical sterilization procedure,called an “ovariectomy-by-colpotomy,” a procedure called ‘archaic’ and ‘barbaric’ by equine groups, which will be duplic

Protect Your Horse from 4 Summer Skin Conditions

Warm, humid weather during the summer months is prime time for equine skin conditions to occur as a result of fungus and bacteria unless horse owners take pro-active steps to prevent problems.
