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Global Report on World Wide Equine Diseases for Last Quarter 2019

The International Collating Centre, Newmarket, United Kingdom, and other sources report on global equine disease outbreaks during fourth quarter 2019.

Equine Leptospiral Abortion in Horses in Central Kentucky

Cases of leptospiral abortion are detected each year and farm personnel should be aware that the aborted fetal tissues and mare urine are infectious to other horses and membranes, and placentitis.

Thinking of Making Your Own Fly Spray for Your Horses?

Deciding whether to make your own fly spray or buy it off of the shelf? Here are 10 factors to consider before making your own formula versus purchasing a fly spray.

Horsekeeping & Water Quality: Manure Impacts on Surface Water Quality

Proper horse manure management consists of containing manure, treating manure, and disposing of manure so it doesn't contaminate water.

Gunner - National Reining Horse Assn's $5 Million Sire

As of May 13, 2013, the National Reining Horse Association Hall of Fame inductee Gunner has official offspring earnings of $5,096,543.

Three Aspiring Students Selected as 2014 AHP Travel Award Winners

The three AHP Travel Award Winners will each receive $750 travel awards to attend the 2014 AHP Gallop n’ Grits Seminar in Charleston, South Carolina on June 19-21, 2014.

Veterinarians Conclude MRI "Crucial" Option

A meeting held today amongst leading equine veterinarians concluded that the MRI unit that offers a standing-and-sedated option is “crucial” to the racehorse application.

GMO and Glyphosates: What You Need to Know for Your Horse's Health

In the case of horse feeds, plants are resistant to the herbicide Roundup or glyphosate, so farmers can spray the fields for weeds but not damage the crop.

Botulism in Horses

In animals that survive botulism, complete recovery is most common, although development of full muscular strength can take weeks to months.

Kemin Equine Presents 2021 EquiSUMMIT July 9-10, 2021

EquiSUMMIT will offer research-based presentations on horse health with live, virtual question-and-answer sessions.
