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Minerals and Insulin Resistance - What Every Horse Owner Needs to Know

It’s not as fancy as a pricey magic bullet supplement but the best place to start supporting your IR horse on a low-sugar and -starch diet is with balanced intake of key minerals.

Abscesses of the Hoof

A very common causes of lameness in horses, a hoof abscess can temporarily cripple your horse. Fortunately, this cause of lameness in relatively easy and quick to fix.

Student Travel Award Winners

This year, three more lucky and talented students will be traveling to the 2011 AHP Hoofprints in the Sand Seminar in San Diego, California, on June 16-18 as AHP Travel Award Winners. The AHP Student Award Contest provides up to three $750 travel award

Doxycycline Hyclate

 Learn about Doxycycline as an antibiotic of the tetracycline variety used for treating bacterial infections, including Potomac Horse Fever, other Ehrlichia infections, plus Lyme disease in horses.

Feeding a Whole Food Diet to Horses - A Free Webinar

On Wednesday, October 29, 2014, Tigger Montague of BioStar will host a free webinar related to feeding equines a whole food diet, talk about whole food vs. synthetic, and will break down the ingredients of feeds and supplements into terms everyone can und

Parasite Management Today

Question: Is it necessary to get rid of all the parasites on my farm?

Advances in Equine Cushing's Disease - A Nutritional Perspective

Why is equine Cushing's disease so common? Are all horses doomed to develop it as they get older? Is there such a thing as "pre-Cushing's" and how can you tell without doing a lot of blood tests? If your horse has it, how can you prevent laminitis

Back Country Horsemen Get the Job Done with Low Impact on Land

Back Country Horsemen of America cherishes our wild lands and they make sure that everything they do has the lowest impact possible on the land and the environment.

Donkey Jennet Coco and Son Dash - Lovable Mascots for Socks for Equines

Coco and Dash are improbable mascots for a company producing athletic socks for equines.  But ask Socks for Horses president, Raymond Petterson, and he’ll tell you he wouldn’t have it any other way.

New Thoroughbred Makeover Award for Top-Placed New York-Bred Horse

The Retired Racehorse Project has announced a new award to be offered at the 2018 Thoroughbred-Makeover, taking place Oct. 4-7.
