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Limited Driving Hours Questioned in UK

There may be fresh hope for competitors grappling with EU rules limiting the hours they can drive their horse trailers on weekends. Current regulations require anyone driving a vehicle, or combination of vehicles over a certain weight to limit the tim

Explosion Kills Woman and Horse

A 28-year-old woman and a horse were killed and a second woman was injured Friday in a hyperbaric chamber explosion at the Ocala, Fla., division of the Kentucky Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center. The explosion caused a partial collapse of

Kentucky Lawmakers Told Horse Industry in Crisis

Kentucky lawmakers got a peek inside the checkbook of racehorse owners and small Thoroughbred breeders last week. The numbers were bleak.

Cowboy Dressage World Finals Show Recap

The ideas behind Cowboy Dressage are simple…be kind to your horse and your fellow horseman; Live honorably and always choose the high road when dealing with your horse no matter what the competition demands; When you fail, try again.

New Foaling Video Available from Small Equine Experts

A new video entitled “Foaling,” offering expert knowledge and information about foaling specifically with small equine in mind, is now available from Ozark Mountain

ULTRA Line of Horse Feeds to Launch

A new line of horse feed will be hitting stores in early June, crafted by Pennfield Equine Feed Technologies. Called Ultra, it’s a life-cycle feed, with multiple formulas organized into four different bag designs to make picking the right feed a snap.

Imprinting and Training Young Foals – Do it Right

The first contacts a newborn foal has with humans is critical in setting the stage for future training.

Test for Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis Developed

A new diagnostic test for equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM), a progressive, degenerative neurological disease of the central nervous system,  has been developed by a team led by Daniel Howe, Ph.D., at the University of Kentucky‘s Gluck Equine R

Transfusion Medicine Under Utilized

According to Dr William Ray Fullmer, a veterinarian practicing in Oregon, one of the most under utilized areas of veterinary practice is transfusion medicine. A transfusion can mean the difference between life and death for animals.

Equine Neonatal Intensive Care

Pamela Wilkins, a professor of equine internal medicine and emergency/critical care at the University of Illinois has authored a new paper on equine neonatal intensive care which offers guidance to large-animal veterinarians and horse owners while de
