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Effective Ways to Manage Joint Pain in Horses

By concentrating high levels of growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines, we can provide anti-inflammatory and healing properties to the joints and soft tissues.

Help People and Working Equines in Need Achieve a Better Life

The health and welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules has a direct impact on human livelihoods and at Brooke USA we know that when working equines thrive so do families that depend on them.

FTC Approves Modifications to Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority’s Registration Rule

The rule requires covered persons, which includes trainers, breeders, jockeys and others involved in the horse racing industry, and covered horses to register with the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority,


Learn about Glanders, a once-common highly contagious horse disease with a high mortality rate that horse owners should be aware of in case of an outbreak.

USDA NAHMS’ Equine 2015 Study Under Way

”To collect data for the Equine 2015 study, representatives from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service are visiting randomly selected equine operations in 28 states.”

Hagyard Is a Proud Sponsor of Masterson Equestrian Trust

“The Lexington equine community is so privileged to have Masterson Station Park, which offers equestrian facilities for all disciplines. It is free, open to the public, extremely well maintained, and has something for all levels of horses and riders”.

Lights, Camera, Cure: Equine Sports Therapy Center Featured in Video for Pegasus Lasers

Lite Cure, LLC, makers of Pegasus and Companion Lasers for equines and large/small animals chose to tape use of their 12-watt lasers at The Sanctuary because of the facilities reputation in rehabilitation, and success using their lasers.

Dangers of Navel Infections in Foals

As the new foaling season begins, horse owners should be aware that navel (umbilical) infections are a significant health risk to newborn foals. In the first hours after birth, and before the umbilical cord dries up naturally, bacteria can easily enter bl

Scientists Verify Fact that Snakes Harbor Eastern Equine Virus

In a follow-up to previous research, a group of scientists at the University of South Florida and Auburn have established that, in fact, snakes are a source for the mosquito-borne Eastern equine encephalitis virus that kills horses and humans.
