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From “Doctor Doctor” to “Riding Doctor” - Dr. Glosten Tells How Medical School Changed Her Riding Life

While riding can feel magical, being a successful rider does not happen by magic, but riding with the anatomical understanding of a medical doctor helps the typical rider adjust and enjoy the sport.

New York After School Program Renamed OMS Starting Gate

The Saylor family believes this program will impact many young people in the horse racing community and provide a much needed service by offering scholarships for New York students.

Effects of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Combat Veterans

"The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of an 8-week structured therapeutic horseback riding (THR) program on Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, depression, quality of life, and functioning of combat veterans diagnosed with PTSD.

$88,000 Research Grant Awarded to Explore Equine-Assisted Activities as a Medication-Free Treatment

"Finding evidence of an effective way, without medication, to address stress in young adults with autism through research involving equines will have broad implications for health of the individual as well as family members.”

7 Tips for a Safe Winter for You and Your Horse

"By following a few safety tips, horse owners that live in areas where harsh winter conditions occur can avoid accidents and stay healthy.”

Monty Roberts Meets Mule and Wallace Finds Dressage

Wallace, the mule was taken to one of Monty's demonstrations where he charmed Monty, who declared him very intelligent and ready to be ridden.

Hundreds of FFA Chapters Benefit From Tenth Annual Zoetis Industry Support Program

Zoetis customers including veterinarians, horse health dealers and distributors allocate funds to support future leaders in agriculture.

Riders4Helmets Announces International Helmet Awareness Day 2017

A global network of equestrian retailers will be providing helmet discounts on Helmet Awareness Day with the aim of educating riders of horses on the safety benefits of wearing a helmet.

A “Beta” Take on the Everyday Halter for Horses Delivers Next-Generation Performance in Style

"Perri’s Cotton Beta Halter won’t just get the job done; it will outlast ordinary halters and outperform your expectations.”

Study on Human Nails May Shed Light on Disease in the Hoofs of Horses

”Specifically, physics reveals why/how nails/hoofs adhere strongly, yet grow smoothly; why hoof/claw/nail growth rates are similar across species; and how poor trimming can potentially cause damage.”
