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Human Obesity Creating Health Problems for Horses

People tend to think that horses are such big animals they must be OK, and not to take notice of the weight issue of riders,” she said. “But the health impact on the horse can be quite extreme.

Protecting Equines in Hot Weather

With July approaching, wildfires consuming acreage in the West, and temperatures climbing in many areas, horses and other equines will be facing temperatures that can lead to heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and possible fatalities.

Arthritis in Horses: What Every Horse Owner Should Know

Joint problems that lead to arthritis are a normal part of the aging process in horses, and poor conformation and the stress of training may increase a horse’s risk.

Mounted Shooters of America Take Center Stage at Road to the Horse 2015

Mounted Shooters of America (MSA) will compile their first ever All-Star Team to perform during Road to the Horse 2015 based on their highest qualifying riders from the MSA 2014 World Championship.

Feds Give Cash Incentive for Mustang Adoptions - Advocacy Group Calls Foul

The American Wild Horse Campaign has taken aim at the BLM's new policy of paying people $1,000 to adopt a wild horse or burro from BLM holding facilities.

Is a Horse More Like a Cow or a Dog?

For young people with limited first-hand exposure to animal agriculture, learning the facts about horses can create an understanding of the common characteristics that horses share with other livestock species.

Friends of Sound Horses Support AntiSoring Bill

 Soring is a major animal welfare issue that has been illegal for over forty years under the federal Horse Protection Act (HPA) yet the practice is still widespread in show rings.

10 Tips for a Safe and Sane Holiday with Your Horse

With house guests, elaborate dcorations and tempting treats,  and people coming and going, the holiday season can be very stressful for you and your horses.

Horse Dental Care Involves More than Floating

If you are simply doing routine dental floating on your horses without a thorough dental examination you may be dealing with only a small piece of the puzzle of your horse's dental health.

Noseband Tightness and Your Horse's Comfort and Health

The researchers sought to find out if these tight nosebands were doing physical harm or otherwise compromising equine welfare.
