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Additional Organizations Support American Horse Council Welfare Code

”The AHC Welfare Code of Practice encourages everyone to consider the health, safety, and welfare of their horses in all aspects of their activities, including the social and ethical issues.”

Rescuing Thousands of Horses This Winter

According to Shirley Puga, Executive Director of National Equine Resource Network, an owner assistance program known as Project Safety Net for Horses is capable of rescuing thousands of horses from neglect this winter through an owner assistance program.

How Do I Know If My Horse Has Encysted Strongyles?

What Exactly Are Encysted Strongyle Larvae and How Did They Get in My Horse? Horsemen’s Laboratory receives several questions a week about encysted strongyles.


Learn about the seriousness of Diarrhea in horses, its common causes, and why the treatment of Diarrhea depends on the cause and the general health of the horse.

Angel Acres Mattie's Legacy Fund Needs Donations

Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue is in need of donations this holiday season to help save the horses that are brought to their attention and also support horse owners that are in need of short-time assistance to get them through down times brought on by the

First Appearance for EquiMania! at International Plowing Match & Rural Expo

The International Plowing Match celebrates the horse's role throughout history and today with a horse tent dedicated to demonstrations, the Canadian Cowgirls, Dodge RAM rodeo, plowing of course and EquiMania!.

Are Horses Lazy or Just Not That Happy with Research?

 Horses given their preference in length of an exercise maze either chose the shorter route or indicated their disgruntlement with the longer route by tail swishing and other behaviors.

Pin Oak Horse Show Touches Children in 125,000 Ways

In early August, Pin Oak Charity Horse Show, one of the oldest and most prestigious horse shows in the US,  presented, "125,000 ways horses touch the lives of sick children" through Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston’s Ronald McDonald House Family R

Straight from the Horse's Stomach

In fact, gastrointestinal diseases are the leading cause of death in horses.

Horse Owners Worry As Hay Supplies Dwindle

With drought, fires, and reduced acreage devoted to growing hay in some areas, many horse owners and rescue groups are already cutting into their winter supply of hay to feed their horses. In some areas, availability is down as much as 75 percent and the
