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Wishing You and Yours A Happy New Year Filled with Good Health and Abundant Hope for the Future

As the many challenges of the year 2021 fade into history, here's looking forward to a new year of health, prosperity and the many joys of living a full life.

Warm Early Spring Means Early Eastern Tent Caterpillar Egg Hatch

Eastern tent caterpillar prefers to feed on cherry, crabapple, maple and apple trees, and receive their name from the silken tents they build ;to protect them from predators and parasitoids.

Top 8 Reasons 'Dude Ranch' for the Holidays

Guest Ranches offer similar amenities and benefits to all-inclusive resorts and hotels, and, whether your family is looking for a working dude ranch or a luxury ranch, there is a ranch that fits your needs.

PATH Intl. Announces 2016 Professional Assn Therapeutic Horsemanship Conference Scholarships

"Eight individuals received the general scholarship and two individuals received the Marjorie V. Kittredge Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning (EFP/L) Scholarship.”

Protecting the Newborn Foal's Immunity

In that critical window during the first 12 hours after birth, maximize the foal's chance of thriving by making sure foal receives sufficient colostrum.

Simple Ways to Green Your Barn from Arenus Animal Health

Maintaining an earth-friendly barn is not a difficult or expensive process, and green barn practices can save significant water, supplies and energy.

KTOB Foundation Invests in Equine Research at UK Gluck Center

The $250,000 gift will be matched by the university and will enable the Gluck Center to renovate an equine infectious disease research laboratory.

Recognizing Critical Illness in Foals: Is He Sick, or Just Napping?

Read article to learn important information that will help you determine if a new foal is healthy or in distress.

Standards for Equestrian Programs Up-dated

The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) has released its newest edition of Standards for Equestrian Programs. This is a complete rewrite of the former Standards for Group Riding Programs produced by CHA. There are new vaulting, trail, driving, equin

NSAID'S May Have Harmful Effects

Edited News Release: NSAID's may help mask lameness while reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation, but they can also be very harmful to the equine, whether pet or athlete.
