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Five Ways to Insure Maximum Nutrition

Kelly Vineyard, Ph.D., who writes a blog for Purina Equine Research has come up with five Horse Nutrition New Year's Resolutions regarding proper feeding of horses. Noting that these are things that many horse owners already do, the advice is timely a

A Warning to Trainers thinking of Using Cobalt in Horses

Many people were surprised when two trainers were banned from the New Jersey harness track because horses in their care tested out of competition were found to have massive amounts of Cobalt in their system.

Alert: Ponies Stolen from Church Camp

Stolen Horse International, Inc. has received an online report and is asking the public to help get the information out about ponies stolen from a church youth ranch. On Saturday evening June 30th, the horses at Circle C Youth Ranch,  which is part of

Researchers in Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Kentucky Issue Report on Equine Amyloidosis

Equine amyloidosis is an uncommon cause of systemic, cutaneous, and nasal disease and horses of all breeds, sexes, or age can be affected.

Prepare Now! Next Disaster May Affect You and Your Horse(s)

Will it really take a disaster such as Katrina, Maria, or a major wildfire for folks to realize that responsible horse owners must have a functional evacuation disaster plan?

Study to Investigate Genetics of Tying-up in Horses, Ponies

Researchers are investigating genetics of exertional rhabdomyolysis in horses to identify predisposing genetic risk factors.

SmartPak: A Day in the Life of Your Horse's Hoof

According to SmartPak: From the dewy morning grass to the dusty sand ring, environmental shifts take a toll on horse hoof health when moisture shifts cause the hooves to rapidly expand and contract, leading to cracks, fissures, and other problems.

Research: Rein Tension While Riding Horses

Researchers from Duchy College in the UK set out to find out what differences existed between a rider's perceived rein tension and their actual rein tension when riding a horse.

Kentucky Horse Council Announces November KENA Event: What's REALLY in Your Horse's Feed?

Deciphering equine feed tags and supplement labels can feel like an exercise in futility if you don't have a master's degree in equine nutrition.

UC Davis Study Reports Successful Use of Hair Samples for Detection of Bisphosphonates in Horses

Hair sampling is non-invasive and has proven to be a reliable and reproducible matrix for equine drug testing.
