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Federal Court Grants Wild Horse Advocates' Request to Intervene in Nevada Ranchers' Lawsuit Against Wild Horses

Our clients wanted to intervene in the case to defend wild horses from the pro-ranching special interests and prevent the government from acceding to their claims that the horses must be removed from the public lands to protect the private livestock that

Cold Weather Warning: Toxins in Horse Feed

With winter weather and less grass and hay available in pastures, many horse owners turn to grain and hay purchased from various sources to feed their horses. It pays to get all horse feed from reputable sources that use quality control from harvest to

National Horse Coalition Blasts BLM for Exaggerated Mustang "Overpopulation" Claim

”Problem is federal mismanagement, not “excess” wild horses, the group says blasting the BLM for fraudulent claims of wild horse overpopulation, which are based on unscientific and arbitrary BLM-imposed “appropriate” management levels.”

Pain Management in Horses

Management of pain is a key element in veterinary care of horses, especially those with colic, lameness or following surgery. Regardless of the underlying cause, pain control is one of the most important short-term goals when working with horses.

10 Myths about Horse Breeding

In the UK, a Need to Breed? initiative is now spreading the word about the impact that breeding just one foal can have on the horse population.

Horizon Structures LLC and Purina Animal Nutrition LLC To Offer $18,200 Prize Package to Deserving Horse Rescue

Nominate your favorite 501(c)(3) horse rescue for the Barnfest 2020 Contest - A program that helps shed light on horse heroes who are doing great work with limited resources.

Leading Wild Horse Advocacy Organization calls for Emergency Halt to Roundup Operations

Internal assessments show the BLM holding facilities system is fundamentally broken and simply cannot safely hold the thousands of additional wild horses that the BLM intends to capture this year.

BLM Claims that Horse Gather Is Not Inhumane

The on-going controversy between wild horse advocates and the Bureau of Land Management about whether or not helicopter gathers are humane has garnered much attention since theTriple B gather in Nevada removed 1,269 wild horses between July 2 and August 3

7.2 Million Reasons Why Now Is The Time to Show Solidarity Supporting America's Horses

Take the pledge here to show solidarity in support of America’s horses knowing that America’s horses enhance our lives and need our protection.

Morris Animal Foundation Awards Grant to Test Equine Osteoarthritis Questionnaire

Many horses deal with pain that is not recognized and giving their caregivers effective tools for detection, monitoring and decision-making has the potential for animal welfare impact.
